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Friday, February 1, 2013

Five Question Friday - 2/1/13

Five Question Friday - February 1st

One of my goals for 2013 was to reveal more of who I am on my blog.  If you just read my posts, (and not comments) I'm sure you are feeling like - who is this person behind Coupon STL? So here goes.

1. What is your favorite book to read with your kids?

My all time favorite read aloud is Fantastic Mr. Fox by Roald Dahl.  Not only is it a good story, but it's fun to read.  My oldest was sick when either of us had read it the first time.  We cozied up on the couch and I thought I would read aloud a few chapters.  I ended up reading the entire book to him in one sitting.  Dang and blast!

2. After having kids, what body part has changed the most?

When your youngest is seventeen, you could care less what body part changed after having kids.  It's the changes that happen in the next seventeen years that are worse - everything heads south.  No wonder all the retires move to Florida. They feel at home.

3. Would you ever go back to college? What would you study?

I'm done with college and wouldn't ever want to go back. It's not that I don't like learning, but I want to do it on my time.  My husband would be the permanent student.  He  already has two undergraduate and two masters degrees, and if we won the lottery, he would go back for more.  The oldest is following in his footsteps - graduating this spring with two undergraduate degrees and looking at Grad Schools for a joint PhD  and JD program.  The youngest if heading to college next fall.  Let's hope he's not too much like Mom.

4. How do you close a phone call? Bye, bye bye or other?

With text and email, I hardly talk on the phone anymore.  I think I just say bye.

5. What is the one food that will always be your "cheat food" on a diet?

Just one?  I love something salty - potato chips, popcorn, tortilla chips, snack crackers and I have to add a little chocolate to the list.

-- Jeri

Feel free to leave your answers to Five Question Friday in comments.


  1. 1. Just one!? Probably "Room on the Broom", a fun Halloween story to read with crazy voices.
    2. This tummy will never wear a bikini again, too much wrinkly skin after twins.
    3. Yes, and I would study Child Development or Graphic Design or Outdoor Education. My husband is an eternal student too (why I'm couponing!)
    4. I don't text, but don't talk on the phone much either!
    5. I don't "do" diets, but I could ice cream every night! Even in the bitter cold!

    1. Hi Jessi - Thanks for chiming in with your answers. I'm hoping as I continue do post these questions, others will start to join in and we'll all get to know each other better.

  2. I almost missed reading this one. At first glance, I thought this is just one of the Apps you usually post. :)

    1. Coupon.girl - Join in with your answers to the five questions.

  3. 1. I started reading the Harry POtter books with my son last year. I think I now know what all the fuss is about. Its nice to have "real" books to read with them now. I probably will forever have "Bear on a Bike" and "Goodnight Moon" emblazoned on my brain.

    2.Everything is so long. Plus after 3 sections and 2 abdominal surgeries my abs are a thing of the past. I'm trying to get some semblance of strength in them again with pilates.

    3. I don't think so. I have a Master's degree but i don't think I could go back and do it again. Though if I could go back I would have probably picked a different route. After having kids with learning disabilities and speech problems I'd be very interested in learning more about those fields.

    4. Bye? Talk to you later?

    5. I don't diet. It makes me want cake and I don't generally sit around wanting cake. Everything in moderation.

    1. Thanks Marcella for joining in.

      I hated reading aloud Harry books. My oldest was old enough to read them himself, but the youngest was interested, so I thought I would read them to him. I never liked Fantasy books, and I had a hard time with Harry keeping my attention.

      I was reading aloud a book that I didn't like to the youngest, and the oldest had to listen in. If I missed a word, the oldest would correct me and then quote the next paragraph. (He had read the book so many time he had memorized it.) To say the least, it killed any enjoyment for the youngest and I was ready to strangle the kid.

    2. That sounds about right. My oldest would have books memorized word for word when he was 3. You couldn't skip words without hearing about it. When I read the HP books it was one on one time with my oldest. No one else was allowed, but then he got tired of waiting for me to read them so he ended up reading the whole series in 2nd grade. Now he's in 3rd and reading the Percy Jackson books. I've never read them but I could tell you every detail about them b/c he will.not.shut.up.about them. lol

    3. Our oldest sound much alike. That won't shut up about it won't change.
