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Thursday, January 1, 2009

Welcome to Coupon St Louis

I started couponing in October after I saw Stephanie Nelson of CouponMom on Oprah. Something she said spoke to me.

You might be like I was, I browsed the coupon section in the Sunday paper each week. Sometimes I even cut out a coupon or two. They always ended up in my kitchen junk drawer with the bent paperclips, unsharpened pencils, pens with no ink left in them, half packs of chewing gum....... There those coupons lived until the drawer was so overflowing I couldn't get it shut or open and it had to be cleaned out. I would carefully sort through the junk, throwing out most of it including the long expired coupons, wondering why the stuff was even in the drawer to begin with. Just every once in awhile, I took a coupon to the store with me, but it seemed useless when I handed the cashier my 50 cent coupon for my $150 total.

After seeing that Oprah show, I started searching the internet to find out just how I could save money at the grocery store. I found a ton of resources and people passing on the great deals they had found. Within a month, I was able to save just like CouponMom had said.

There is nothing better than to dig through the bottom of your purse for change to pay your bill. People notice when you carry out bags of groceries you have paid for with change. One busy Thursday at Shop N Save, the lady behind me was more excited than I was with my 52 cent bill. She proceeded to turn around and announce to everyone what I had paid.

Cashiers, people in line behind me, family and friends have asked me how I do it. So my blog begins. I want to make it quick and easy for others to save money like I have learned to do.

Hopefully blogging will be as easy to learn as couponing. My technical support (oldest son) leaves for college in eight months. I have a deadline.


  1. I'm so glad I found your site! I just opened my delivered Sunday Post-Dispatch and it was missing all of my coupons. So I randomly did a Google search on missing coupons and I found you! I had no idea there was a coupon site for Saint Louis! This is an amazing guide because I'm a coupon newbie!

  2. Hi c2thej - Welcome to the world of couponing. You can call the P-D and they will deliver your missing coupons. Find the phone number to call towards the bottom of page 2.
