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Thursday, October 20, 2011

What's for Dinner? Pizza

Parent teacher conferences are on our agenda tonight.   If you haven't been to high school conferences, they are a real waiting game. You stand in line to talk to the teacher - long lines.

At least the PTA sells pizza, cookies and soda so you can eat dinner while your waiting.  If my son doesn't go with us, he can throw a DiGirono for One in the oven at home.

Hopefully, my husband can sneak out of work early, so we can get to the school when conferences start at 3:00 and get home to catch the game. And, I might have to sneak out of the line to pick up a Shnucks' $5 Snack Series, good thing the school is right across the street from a Schnucks.

What's for dinner at your house tonight?


  1. Pizza is popular at our house, too. Frozen, homemade,'s all yummy!

    Not sure what we're having for dinner. We had a leaky dishwasher over the weekend that ruined our floors and cabinets, so we're starting the remodeling process...probably take-out for us tonight! Side note - Any local recommendations for contractors, cabinets, tile, countertops, etc? :)

  2. @T @ The Happy Clipper

    Hi Tara, Sorry to hear about your kitchen problems. We put in an Ikea kitchen a few years back and I absolutely love it. It's not local but don't rule out the idea.

  3. Spaghetti! We've had pizza twice in the last week.

  4. We had pizza on Monday. Tonight is Cheesburger Pie:

    Go Cards!!

  5. No dinner tonight. I'm taking a friend on a birthday lunch tomorrow and treating myself to lunch at Casa Gallardo on Sunday.

  6. Okay...this isn't dinner or coupon related..but our high school allows parents to sign up for 5 minute conference times at tables scattered throughout the high school. So 5 minutes of conference/parent/teacher....over a 5 hour time span. It really works well!

  7. Fish fillets, Betty Crocker boxed cheesy potatoes, and whatever veggie I dig out of the freezer. I'm loving that I can use the oven without worrying about overheating the house!

  8. We had tilapia, baked potatoes and peas! It was pretty yummy!

  9. Some of us had beer, others had pureed plums and blueberries, the rest of us are having more beer.

  10. We had crock pot Asian pork with peas, peppers and noodles.

    Its very yummy and easy. We didn't use soba noodles b/c I coudldn't find any gluten free ones but we used the asian rice noodles instead.

  11. Hi All - Thanks for participaitng in What's for Dinner?

    Denise - Sounds like a much more efficient way to do conferences. At my son's school someone in the office keeps getting on the PA stating to keep the conferences to 5 minutes or less and if more time is needed to schdule an appointment. No one pays any attention to the announcement.
