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Monday, March 5, 2012

Menu Plan Monday - Week of 3/05/12

Monday: Corn & Cheese Chowder, Green Salad
  • Yes, this soup is on my menu for the third week in a row. My family LOVES this soup and I have a peppers in the fridge that need to be used.
Tuesday: Chicken Tetrazzini, Green Salad, Garlic Bread
  • I usually make this dish after the holidays with leftover turkey.  We really like this dish, so why not make it with chicken like the recipe calls for.
Wednesday:  Tilapia,  Long Grain & Wild Rice, Frozen Veggie
  • I'm going to try the Kraft Fresh Take I bought at Schnucks last week.  I hope we like it on fish. 
Thursday: Leftover Chicken Tettrazzi
  • Thursday night is going to be a very busy evening for us, so everyone can heat up their own plate of Tetrazzini when they get a chance.   I like to eat meals as a family, but some nights it's just not possible.
Friday:  Biscuits & Sausage Gravy, Orange Juice
  • This is NOT my favorite thing to eat, but my son and husband love Biscuits & Gravy.  The only thing good about it is that it's quick and easy to put together - a perfect meal for Friday of a busy week.
Saturday:  Hamburgers, Fries, Fresh Fruit
  • Hopefully, it will be nice weather to grill.
Sunday: Chicken Parmigiana, Green Salad, Garlic Bread
  • It's wouldn't be an official menu plan without trying what Pioneer Woman made on her TV show the previous week.  We weren't too crazy about last week's BBQ Meatballs, but that is the first dish of hers that we haven't been absolutely loved.
What's for dinner at your house this week? 

If you would like more meal planning ideas, visit Menu Plan Monday at


  1. Pasta, ring of bologna, Lenten meals (one at each church), breakfast for dinner...kind of a boring week at my house!

    1. Until I started making a new Pioneer Woman recipe each week, I felt like readers would be saying, "They're eating that agian."

      Thanks for leaving your link.

  2. Ummm...can I just give my family Kellogg's cereal for dinner? OK, so tonight is chicken fajitas or quesadillas with Spanish rice..then we're going to try the Kraft freshtakes too, but on Chicken with frozen veggies. Not sure what the rest of the week holds! Eve

    1. Hi Eve - Just wait until the kids get older, some night you can just say - eat what every you want or can make. Or even better, you can tell them It's their turn to make dinner.

    2. LOL! I can see it now: My son will choose to serve Doritos, Lucky Charms and a side helping of Reddi Whip and ice cream :) -Eve

    3. I call those nights "fend for yourself" nights! now it is usually just ME fending for myself...hubby is gone all week and kids are hardly ever at home. Kelly

  3. Tonight: Steak/Shrimp Fajitas with rice
    Tuesday: Dinner at In-laws! YAY!
    Wednesday: Broc Cheddar Soup (broc from Aldi's) with Rolls
    Thursday: Chicken and Fresh-Take with frozen veggies
    Friday: Spag with Meatballs
    Saturday: Grilling Brats with Baked Potatoes


  4. I made burgers today using the Kraft Fresh Take 4 Cheese & Crumbs, gave them a great taste. Also made meatballs with it, will have them with cream sauce over pasta sometime this week.

  5. The Kraft Fresh Take mixes are good. We did the Chili Lime Panko on Tilapia... It was delicious!

  6. Hi All - It sounds like most of us have Kraft Fresh Take on the menu this week. I haven't heard anything but good about the product, although I can't imagine paying full price for it.

  7. I told my hubby that the fresh take would even be great as a topping for baked Mac n cheese/ or potatoes au grain/baked pasta ....wish I would've gotten more, but I got the last two packages on the shelves on Sunday....:( eve
