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Thursday, June 21, 2012

Ocean Nasal Saline Product Coupon

Ocean  Saline Spray Printable Coupon

I had my youngest son (sixteen) at the doctor this week because of a possible sinus infection.  Not only did the doctor prescribe an antibiotic, but the he also recommended using a  Neti Pot.  My son thought that sounded gross, so we settled for saline spray.  I wish this coupon would have come out a few day earlier.

$1/1 Ocean Nasal Saline Product Coupon

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  1. He might want to try the Sinus Rinse instead. It's sold at most drugstores. It's also made by Neil Med.

    The thing with a Neti Pot is that you "shoot" it in one side of the nose and it comes out the other. When I tried that, I actually thought I was dying! The Sinus Rinse operates differently though. You "shoot" it up one side - and it comes right back out that side.

    I use the Sinus Rinse twice a day (more when I am sick or allergies are bad) and it makes such a difference for me.

    (My ENT actually recommended NOT using the Neti Pot and instead using the Sinus Rinse.)

  2. Hi Emily - Thanks for your insight.

    The Neti Pot thing kind of scares me after the reports of the woman who died. Who knows what her water source was. Do you buy distilled water for the Sinse Rise or do you sterilize your own?

  3. My sister swears by the snot pot (as I affectionately call it
