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Friday, January 25, 2013

Five Question Friday - 1/25/13

Five Question Friday - January 25

One of my goals for 2013 was to reveal more of who I am on my blog.  If you just read my posts (and not comments) I'm sure you are feeling like - who is this person behind Coupon STL.  So here goes.

1. Do you embrace or dread snow/cold weather days?

I love it when it's snowing, but hate cold weather.  I grew up in Iowa, and believe it or not, the two did not go hand in hand together.  It was always warmer when it was snowing - 40 below windchills came after there was a foot of snow on the ground.

I also love to drive (not on the highway) in new snow. But, there are too many people in St Louis that scare me to death with their winter driving skills to enjoy it now.

2. Which game show or reality show could you totally win?

This is a no brainer. I could win Supermarket Sweeps.  I loved that show even in my former life - before couponing.

3. What is your preferred climate?

Not too cold, not too hot.  I lived in Spokane Washington for a year and it was just about the perfect climate. It was warm in the summer, but with no humidity, and it snowed in the winter, but a Chinook would come through an melt it all within a few days.

4. What do you buy every time you walk into the grocery store, no matter what?

Nothing.  I've very good about planning my shopping trips and buying only what is on my list.  Hubby, not so much.

5. If you see a spider/bug in the house, are you brave enough to kill it, or do you call for your hubby?

I have no problems with spiders or bugs, I can easily stomp on those.  A mouse it what send me into a tizzy.  I hate things that scurry.

-- Jeri

Feel free to leave your answers to Five Question Friday in comments.


  1. I would love to live in Washington. Great list. New follower from Nicki's Random Musings.

    1. Hi Nicki - Thanks for stopping by and putting the Five Question Friday list together.
