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Tuesday, January 6, 2009

How to Start Couponing

You can save a ton of money couponing, but it can seem overwhelming getting started. When I started couponing I tried to read everything I could and wasted a lot of time with information overload.

I will try to give step-by-step instructions on how to get started from what has worked for me, without too much information overload.

  1. Set up an e-mail account just for your couponing activities. There are many place you can do this for free. I use Gmail by Google and highly recommend it. Gmail is quick and easy to set up and does a great job of knowing what to filter out as spam.

You will want this couponing only e-mail because companies love to market through e-mail. They are sending out samples and high value coupons that you will want to take advantage of. Just think of it as separating the mail before it comes in the door.

Quick Tip: Subscribe to my blog for both your primary and couponing e-mails. If you don't want to check you couponing e-mail every day you still will get daily updates. You won't miss a great deal this way. The Ben & Jerry's $3.00 coupon only lasted a day or two.

1 comment:

  1. is this what you would consider supercouponing? i'm origignally from chicago and it's becoming really big! everyone's getting into it.
