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Friday, January 9, 2009

Money Does Grow on Trees - Step Two Getting Started Couponing

Yes, money does grow on trees – well maybe just printed on them. And money can even be delivered to you door every Sunday morning.

Second Step in Getting Started Couponing:

  1. Gather a supply of coupons. There are many places to find coupons. Once you start collecting coupons you will find them everywhere.

    Sunday newspaper: Most Sunday newspapers will have coupon inserts. Not all inserts are created equal. Newspapers with high circulation tend to have inserts with more coupons. In areas with a competitive grocery market, coupon inserts tend to have higher value coupons.

    In St. Louis, the Post Dispatch is about the only newspaper option. We do get a high number of coupons in the Post Dispatch, but not always the highest value coupons. (What does that tell you about the competitiveness of the grocery market in St. Louis?)

    I would suggest subscribing to the Sunday paper if you don’t already. Find Post Dispatch subscription information here. The best price I have found for a single-copy Sunday paper is at Deal$ - $1 plus tax.

    On good coupon insert Sundays, you will want more than one copy of the paper. This way you will have multiple coupons to use when an item goes on sale. I have read many different ideas on how many newspapers to purchase. Some people religiously buy one Sunday newspaper per person in their family. I’ve even read about people purchasing ten or more papers a week. (Seems excessive to me.)

    What has worked for me is to take a look at the coupon inserts. Are the coupons for something I would buy? How many inserts are in the paper? Then I decide if and how many extras to buy. Most weeks I do purchase extra papers. The most I have ever purchased was four extras. I haven’t regretted my decisions. When I purchase extra papers, I have always more than made up the price of the paper with coupons used the first week. You will know what works for you.


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