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Monday, May 21, 2012

Shop 'n Save - Gift Card Catalina

Gift Card Catalina

The Gift Card Catalina deal advertised in last week's Shop 'n Save ad is valid through 5/24/12.

If you are  needing to shop at any of the participating retailers,  purchase the gift cards and save money on your groceries.  Last year, we were putting a new roof on the garage and ended up with $70 of FREE groceries because deal like this one.

Save $10 on your next shopping trip when you buy $100 in participating Gift Cards
  • Lowe's
  • Kohl's
  • i-Tunes
  • Barnes & Noble
  • Subway
  • Starbucks
Note: If you are purchasing more than a couple of gift cards, don't do multiple back to back transactions.  Last year, cards were getting denied after a couple of transactions - it looked like fraudulent activity to the credit card company.  So, either put your purchase on different cards, at different registers, or shop over several days.


  1. Can I purchase a GC first on Thurs and then shop and use it at the checkout? Or is there a restriction on using it the same day?

    1. By it, I meant the $10 catalina.

  2. No restrictions...yoy could even do a transaction to buy tbe cards and then do a second one witb the rest of your groceries.

  3. A way to avoid the denial from the credit card company, buy a SnS gift card for the amount you are going to spend total. Then use the SnS gift card to purchase the other giftt cards, breaking them into transactions as you need them.

    1. Hi Tonya,

      Not sure about this one-you may want to call and double check with your CS. To my knowledge you cannot use a SNS Gift Card to purchase other gift cards. When I do these GC deals (waiting to see if a buy $100 get $20 Cat back is gonna happen)I take cash. But someone has posted in the past that if you are going to be using a credit card to do the gift card deals you can call your credit card company and make them aware of what you are doing to avoid the multiple transaction disqualification ordeal. HTH
