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Friday, May 17, 2013

Free Kindle eBook - Superfoods

Free Kindle eBook - May 17, 2013

Superfoods: Top Superfoods and Superfoods Recipes for a Powerful Superfoods Diet, More Energy and Increased Immunity

Superfoods are something that nearly everyone is interested in these days.

Whether it’s for better health, to look and feel younger or just to emulate celebrities who rave about the benefits of their new superfood diet on talk shows, people are curious about what are superfoods, exactly. This book answers many of the questions that people have about super foods.

Print List Price: $6.99
Digital List Price: $2.99
Current Kindle Price: $0.00
You Save: $2.99 (100%)

You don't need to own a Kindle to download eBooks.  Read eBooks on your computer, smart phone or mobile devices with Amazon's FREE Kindle Reading Apps.

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