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Thursday, June 6, 2013

Top 10 Grocery Deals - Week of 6/4/13

Even without Super Triple Coupons this week, there are still some good deals at the grocery stores.


Philly Swirl Stix (6 ct) - $1.00
$1/1 Philly Swirl Frozen Treat - 5/19/13 SS
= Free after coupon

Soft Philly Cream Cheese (8 oz) - $1.99
Save $5 Instantly at Checkout wyb (5) participating Kraft Cheese Products
$0.50/1 Philly Cream Cheese Spread - 5/5/13 SS
= $0.49 each after coupon and Instant Savings wyb 5 participating products

Kraft Fresh Take
(5-8 oz) - $2.50
Save $5 Instantly at Checkout wyb (5) participating Kraft Cheese Products
$1/1 Kraft Fresh Take Cheese & Breadcrumb Mix - April All You Magazine
= $0.50 after coupon and Instant Savings wyb 5 participating products 

Kraft Natural Slices - $2.50
Save $5 Instantly at Checkout wyb (5) participating Kraft Cheese Products
Buy (2) get $1 Catalina coupon good on your next shopping trip
Buy (3) get $2 coupon
Buy (4) or more get $3 coupon

= $0.75 to $1.00 each after Catalina and Instant Saving wyb 5 participating products


Oscar Mayer Bologna (12 oz) - $1.00
Buy (3) get $2 Catalina coupon good on your next shopping trip
Buy (4) get $3 coupon
Buy (5) or more get $4 coupon

= $0.20 to $0.34 each after Catalina 

New York Texas Toast Croutons (5 oz) - $1.00
$0.75/1 New York Texas Toast Croutons - June All You Magazine
$1/2 New York Texas Toast Croutons coupon
= $0.25 to $0.50 each after coupon

Barilla Pasta (12 - 16 oz) - $1.00
$1/2 Barilla Whole Grain Pasta Coupon
= $0.50 after coupon

Suave Shampoo or Conditioner (12 oz) - $1.00
$1/2 Suave Shampoo or Conditioner Printable Coupon (RecyleBank - 50 points)
= $0.50 each wyb 2 after coupon

Shop 'n Save

$10 off $50 Purchase - Thursday, June 6th

Iceberg Lettuce - $0.37 (Thursday, Friday & Saturday)

Libby Vegetables (14.5 - 15.25 oz) - $0.47 (Thursday, Friday & Saturday - limit 4)
$1/4 Libby Canned Veggies Coupon
= $0.22 each wyb 4 after stacked coupons

What is on your must buy list this week?

This post may contain affiliate links. For more information, please read my disclosure policy.


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