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Monday, March 2, 2009

Aldis week of 3/1/09

Milk prices continue to fall at Aldis. The more I shop at Aldis the more I like them and their prices for dairy and produce.

Aldis used to be off my beaten path when running errands. Now because of their prices, it has become a regular stop. I must have a new "beaten path."

:: Deals I found at Aldis this Week ::

Skim Milk, 1 gallon - $1.99
2% Milk, 1 gallon - $1.99
Whole Milk, 1 gallon - $2.10
Orange Juice, 1/2 gal. - $1.89

Large Eggs, dozen - $1.09
Block Cheese, 8 oz. - $1.29
Shredded Cheese, 12 oz. - $2.49
Sliced American Cheese - $1.49
Sour Cream - .99
Butter, 1 lb. - $1.99
Margarine, sticks, 1lb. - .55

Wheat Sandwich Bread - $1.19
White Sandwich Bread - .79
Hamburger & Hot Dog Buns - .85

Grapefruit - .25 each
Red Seedless Grapes, 2 lb. - $1.78
Bananas - .45lb.
Oranges, 4 lbs. - $1.39

If you haven't shopped at Aldis, or it has been a while:
1. Make sure you have a quarter to unlock a shopping cart. The carts are like luggage carts at the airport. You rent them for a quarter, and you get your quarter back when you return the cart.
2. Take your own bags. Aldis does not provide free bags for your groceries
3. Aldis now accepts debit cards.
4. Aldis does not accept coupons.


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