Bare Solo Cups - $1
$1 peelie coupon
Final price: FREE
(Thanks, Lisa!)
Note: I ended up paying tax on the cups I picked up. I'll be calling Schnucks about charging me sales tax.
In Missouri, tax is calculated after coupons.
See Rules of Department of Revenue Cjapter 103 0 Sales/Use Tax - Imposition of Tax
12 CSR 10-103.555 Determining Taxable Gross Receipts
(C) When the seller accepts third party
coupons, only the price paid by the purchaser
is included in the gross receipts subject to
(D) The value of a store coupon issued and
redeemed by a seller is not subject to tax.
Store coupons are not included in gross
Thanks for posting the link to the MO sales tax rules. I thought it was strange that the checker said 10 packages ring up at .74 when they should be completely free. You might already know this one since it's on your list of favorites, but Schnucks has Grande Tortilla Chips on price cut for $2 through 5/2, so just $1 after the 1/10, 4/18 SS $1 off coupons.
ReplyDeleteInteresting on the tax issue. I also had to pay tax when I purchased (got free) my gallons of milk from using the free coupon that I got from buying Kellogg's cereal.
ReplyDeleteI used my free milk coupon at Shop N Save and didn't have to have a penny for it. So, some companies are doing it right.
ReplyDeleteGood call about the sale tax problem at Schnucks. I can only imagine how much tax over charges they have collected from me all these times that I have been using coupons. Wouldn't it be potentially a lawsuit against them, I wonder.
I need to look back at my receipts, but I think most of the time Schnucks does the tax thing correctly. But, maybe not.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Ellen for the Grande info.
ReplyDeleteI had to laugh about the Grande comment. As I was cutting coupons this past weekend I was thinking I should send you my chips coupons! LOL
ReplyDeleteI would love to hear what they say about it. I have always been charged tax on pre-coupon amount (unless the coupons was coded to remove tax) - Didn't think it was right, but wasn't really sure. Sometimes a coupon does take off the tax (you can see all the details on the receipts - it seems like only food items do that....)
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad u talked about taxes.....will check my Schnucks receipts(thou i'm not a big shopper there) but last month I noticed target at Town & County is charging me taxes before coupons and I took back all my receipts back to Customer service & talked to 4 people(including mgr.) and they all said we don't know it's something county related may be, & they can not adjust anything related to tax...was really upset as I had 4 big receipts(before coupons)......I love that store & that's nearest to my place but haven't shopped there since then...
ReplyDeleteBut now u said in MO, tax is after coupon I guess will try to call target HO.
The Walgreens store in Ellisville collects tax on everything you purchase with a coupon. I have been there and tried to talk with them about it before but they just ignore me like I don't know what I am talking about. I won't go to that one anymore because it cost me to much.
ReplyDeleteI haven't found any "free" cups. Olive/Mason was out and 141/Clayton didn't have any peelies. I did get free durkees seasonings and inexpensive Grande and Lays. I also found the Corona rebate at 141/Clayton Schnucks - so I'm calling this trip a money maker!
ReplyDeleteThey still have several left at the Schnucks on Hwy K in O'Fallon. There is a limit of 10 per customer. Good luck! Trish in W'ville
ReplyDeleteI've been busy and haven't called Schnucks yet, but will update everyone when I talk to them. I was a little hot yesterday when I posted this. I had just gotten back from Schnucks and I did stop to talk to Customer Service. The customer service employee rolled her eyes at me and told me I was wrong. She shouldn't have done that to me.
ReplyDeleteThis tax thing in MO is going on everywhere. Check out a TV station in KC's investigation;
Anyone have connections to a TV station or the Post-Dispatch?
Not sure, but no tax on coupons may apply to food products only!
ReplyDeleteI purchased 3 food items at Schnuck's last week, had coupons to get all 3 free. Total at check-out was $0.00.
ReplyDeletePurchased the solo cups yesterday, total after coupons was $.74
Schnucks on Telegraph had lots of cups. There was a display back by the frozen foods and another end cap in the front by the checkout. Not sure about the tax because I had a large shopping order.
ReplyDeleteThe Schnucks on Gravois in Affton had TONS of cups. A big display in the front when you walk in and an end cap by the dairy section. They said a limit of 10. I bought 4...not sure what I will use them for but they were free-ish.
ReplyDeleteNot sure on tax b/c I had more than a few things on my ticket.
all sold out at the N&K store
ReplyDeleteI first became aware of the no taxes on MQ and even instant rebate way back when a jar of Peter Pan was free after the $1.00 MQ. The U-Scan register at one Dierbergs store locked up when I only attempted to buy eight jars. A manager on duty fixed the problem and explained the new changes in the tax law.
ReplyDeleteAfterward, I found that both Schnucks and SnS weren't up to speed and at that time one still paid taxes on the MQ. I called customer service for both chains and provide info on the changes in the Revised MO States Statuses. Also I stopped at the MO Department of Revenue office in Brentwood, except the staff was clueless. Finally, I printed out the info off the state web site and mail that to Schnucks.
Sometime when I use a catalina at SnS, the amount save seems too much. What I believe happens is that if I use a $3 cat on a $5 item, than what would be tax on the $3 is also subtracted.
plenty still available at the des peres schnucks and the kirkwood schnucks. hubby went with me, we have 30 and will donate some to our church.
ReplyDeleteUugghh... no cups at Mid Rivers/94 either. I wanted them for Fellowship Feasts at church too! I will keep trying.
Different Schnucks topic - I frequent the Bellefontaine (north county) Schnucks on my way to and from work. They tend to keep all their coupon "displays" behind the check out counters instead of in the aisles so I am never sure which coupons they'll have available when I am shopping. Any other Schnucks do this? I asked once and they said it is so people won't take the whole stack. And when I asked for a couple even though I wasn't making the purchase that day, the cashier was reluctant to give them up.
ReplyDeleteHuge display of cups at the Kirkwood Schnucks but they are in front of the service desk, so you'll miss them if you enter the east doors and turn right, like I always do. Luckily there was a small basket of them next to one of the registers. I hate it when they hide the goodies from me!
ReplyDeleteThanks everyone for the Solo sightings updates.
ReplyDeleteCarrie - The couple of stores I shop have started to keep the coupons that make something free of very inexpensive with the cashiers. But, the other tear pads are with the displays. I wonder if Bellefontaine has a problem with one person taking all the tear pad coupons in there store.
The Schnucks on Jungerman & Hwy 94 keeps all of the tearpads behind the Service Desk. We learned this back when the ziploc catalina was going on. One of the ladies told us they had a woman regularly come in and take every tearpad in the store... so now they keep them up in a clear bin. The Mid Rivers/94 store had them all in a bin by the ads, and the Hwy K/N store had them in a bin in front of the Service Desk.
ReplyDeleteI got 10 cups at the Mid Rivers/94 store last night at about 6. They had probably 3/4 of the display left. Cashier told me she had heard they were the only St Charles store who had any left. Was happy to get some! =)
Carrie, My Schnucks keeps all tearpads at the registers now. This is in Collinsville, IL.. I want to say they only do it for "frees" or "next to free" products because I still see some of them out.
ReplyDeleteAnyone familiar with the tax laws in IL? I am always charged tax on ANY items when it's free after coupon.
Hi Chort - Hopefully kas is reading, if anyone knows the "rules" I'm sure kas does.
ReplyDeleteWell I stopped by schnucks and bought a 200 cal Dijiorno and A bag of Lays on my way home. I had a free coupon for the pizza and 1.00 off the Lays so my total was .92 cents. They charged tax on my cups the other day but they don't charge tax on food. Weird. :)
ReplyDeleteHow to Report An Overcharge, What's Being Done
ReplyDeleteIf you find a store that is still overcharging customers, you can let the State Department of Revenue know at 573-751-2836. It is an automated number. Direct your call to "Business Tax" and then "Sales Tax" division.
The department works with businesses to fix these problems, which are usually unintentional. The law says you have to "willfully" overcharge customers to break the law.
"In the vast amount of cases, such as your coupon issue, it turns out to be an honest misinterpretation of the law and we let the merchant know how to correctly assess the sales tax," said Ted Farnen, communications director for the Missouri Department of Revenue.
If a store overcharges sales tax and does not send it on to the state, the state considers that stealing and their Criminal Investigation Bureau would then investigate.
However, the head of the CIB said he has never had a case of this nature in his two years with the bureau. The CIB focuses mostly on stores that don't remit any sales tax to the state.
If a business willfully overcharges and then requests a refund, the overcharged amount and a penalty may be assessed against the business.
The stores we visited repeatedly told us they are not keeping the extra money.
Refund Loophole
When it comes to refunds for overcharged sales tax, the business is not legally obligated to issue one. When it comes to refunds for overcharged sales tax, the business is not legally obligated to issue one.
"If a business requests a refund of the sales tax it earlier remitted to the department because it has been overcharging on sales tax, it is handled on a case-by-case basis.
"The issue of remitting overcharged sales taxes and how to get it back to customers is something that has been discussed for many years in the legislature. It is bigger than the coupon issue that you are bringing attention to," wrote Farnen.
Senator Wes Shoemyer introduced a bill to help fix this loophole. The senator did not return our calls, and his staff would not give specifics on what prompted this bill.
The bill would require customers to notify businesses of the overcharged amount within three years. It doesn't specifically address the coupon issue but does address overpayments in general. It also provides special rules for overpayment of cell phone bills.
For now, stores don't have to issue refunds but they do need to update their cash registers.
If anyone would like to email Ted Farnen and get some results - here's his email address tfarnen@services.mo.gov