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Monday, October 1, 2012

Edge & Skintimate Shave Cream Coupons $1.50/2

Edge & Skintimate Printable Coupons

Good timing on these coupons for me.  Just this morning my husband told me he was using his last can of edge.  He's brand loyal to his Edge.  Well, he will use the other stuff - but doesn't like to. Now I need to find the good sale.

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  1. How husband refuses to use Edge! He likes the Schick Hydro that I get for cheap all the time. I think we have at least 4 cans in the closet now!

    What did we ever do before couponing?! I'm embarrassed to think about how much I spent on things like shaving cream!

  2. For my husband's birthday this year, I bought him an electric razor. Saves me the hassle of finding the right brands and styles of shaving cream and razor blades. He loves how convenient it is, and I'm pretty sure it'll pay for itself after a few months of not buying his pricey blades!

  3. My husband has such a heavy beard that he uses his electric for touch ups. He would need a buzz saw for the mornings.
