Free Kindle eBook - December 26, 2012
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Tongue Twisters for Kids
Book Description:
"Rubber baby buggy bumpers" - Say this three times as fast as you can. How about, try saying " Loopy lizards lying lazily aloft a little lane of logs," without messing up. This Tongue Twister book is huge collection of funny phrases, ridiculous rhymes, and silly sentences that will have kids laughing for hours. Each one challenges your mouth muscles as you try to say these tongue twisters faster and multiple times.
A tongue twister is a phrase that is supposed to be difficult to articulate properly. Often times they take practice to say correctly. Tongue twisters are good practice for children as they learn to form words, phrases, and vowels. It's hard to say a tongue twister without a smile on your face. Each tongue twister in this book has it's own silly illustration. Kids will be entertained with these tongue twisters for hours.
Digital List Price $1.99
Current Kindle Price: $0.00
You Save: $1.99 (100%)
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Current Kindle Price: $0.00
You Save: $1.99 (100%)
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How do you find out about the free Kindle books? My son got a Kindle for Christmas so I got this one for him. He was really excited to get a new book on it. Is there an email list you can sign up for?
ReplyDeleteThanks again for everything you do!
Hi Marcell - How cool a boy getting a Kindle. I had one son who loved to read and the other one you could hardly get to open a book.
DeleteAnyway here are a couple of places I find free kindle books. - They post freebies almost everyday, but you will need to scroll through the lists. The list included adult subject matter. I sure wouldn't want to be the reason for your son downloading porn.
This is the link to Amazon's Kindle Best Sellers. One list is paid books and the other Free.
Le Miserables is on the list today, but if he isn't ready for that yet, check out this one - Johnny B Fast: The Super Spy
I forgot to tell you. Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 1 is on Kindle today for $1.99
Thanks Jeri...yeah best not to give an 8 yr old porn! lol
ReplyDeleteI put the newest Diary of a Wimpy Kid book on there before I wrapped it. He's probably read the whole thing by now. I
i was looking for something at the library and noticed they have ebooks you can "check out" too. Between the library, his monthly free rentals with Amazon Prime and these lists I should be able to keep him in books. We just have to check his room at night b/c he ends up staying up too late reading books. Not a bad problem to have really :)
My oldest was just like your son. Yes, not a bad problem.
DeleteMy oldest is finishing up his senior year at college. He has paid for it all with academic scholarships.