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Monday, May 20, 2013

Chris' Super Triple Coupon Shopping

Readers Shopping Trip - May 2013

Check out what Chris purchased Super Triple Couponing - she saved $135.00!

Thanks for sharing, Chris!

I would love to show off your Super Couponing also.  Email your picture to couponstl (at) gmail (dot) com, or post your picture on the Coupon STL Facebook page.   Please send only those pictures that follow the coupon limits per day.


  1. Seriuosly photos like these really agravate me. I aint be able to see any mustard and ive been lookin. Looks like Chris bought it all. i just dont understand why people buy up all the mustard. I really like puttin mustard on my bolognie sandwich.

    1. Hahahaha.....I don't know, I have 2 Schnucks by me and both are still stocked with free mustard...and people were coupoining the heck out of it. I guess different stores and different stock levels.

      I do have to say though...its nice to stock an item that is good for over a year at least! I'm all about the stock pile. I say YOU GO GIRL!

    2. Jessonica, I do too think that 17 mustards is a bit extreme. I'm surprised that you would laugh at another post. Maybe it's just me but it seems like a lack of class. I was able to find mustard but other items were gone. I personally would never clear the shelves like that but for some it doesn't really bother them. I guess your one of those. Good for you for always getting the worm. :-)

    3. Love this post!

    4. Amy...That is just funny that you assume I clear any shelves. How judgmental of you. I was laughing about the bologna sandwich comment, which I fully agree with.

      lighten up. I'm always happy for people that coupon and get to stock what they need. If you cleared a shelf, but it was an item that you and your family really needed....I would be happy for you too. I have no problems with anyone couponing and stocking what they need. I'm happy for all of us that got such amazing deals on this event.

      I didn't even go out on the first day, and true, the pure silk was gone and never to return...but I don't care, I have shaving cream stocked from other deals at other stores. That is what true couponing is ....stock the rock bottom prices and soon you will see that you only get that item if its pennies or free. Also, let other people get the deals sometimes too and be happy for them when they do!

  2. I've been in at least 8 different Schnucks this week and all of them had plenty of Mustard. (Some even had blinkies for .55/1 coupons too)
    Maybe anonymous needs to ask someone if there is more in back at her store or check another location!
    Personally, I'm still stocked from super triples last time and we don't use a lot of it, so having 9 bottles in my stockpile is plenty for us!
    My pet peeve though, was the Dierbergs letting the woman in front of me in line today use 15 coupons for Dole Smoothie Shakers. I have a problem with the stores not being consistent. The rules say three like coupons and I hate the inconsistency. I like the three coupon rule cause it keeps shelves from getting cleared so fast!

  3. Really, you don't have a problem with someone buying that many mustards but you do have a problem with someone buying all the Dole smoothies??? Did you personally check ALL eight stores to see if they were stocked on mustard? Really??? I personally have tried three times to buy mustard with no luck. I will try again tomorrow and hopefully get find some.

  4. What I have a problem with is the stores not enforcing their own policies. I could care less if someone gets 15 of an item (Smoothies or mustard or whatever), so long as they are following the rules set out by the store and that the stores are consistent with how they treat customers. At Dierbergs, the checker told the customer "three like coupons" and then called over the manager when the customer complained. It was the store manager who let her get 15 like items in one transaction. If I want 15 of an item, I follow the rules and get three every day of the sale, not clear the shelf.
    (And yes, I actually did check all 8 stores to see if they were stocked with the mustard even though I wasn't purchasing it... I happen to be very observant...really:) Have a great night and I hope you get your mustard!

  5. Ha! Believe it or not we just ran out of regular mustard. How can a couponer let something like that happen :) And I only had one coupon and I can't find it anywhere. I should barter with Chris.

    On another note, according to coupon network there should be a catalina for $1 wyb 3 dole smoothie shakers. Mine didn't print at Dierbergs tonight though so I'll call. I think the promo just started today.

  6. Quite honestly, it makes me sad that on a forum that is made to help couponers people have to be so negative. If someone follows the rules and ends up with multiples of the same item most likely they spent quite a bit of time making sure that they got what they needed. Instead of being critically be happy for what you were able to get. Every time we have doubles or tripled there is at least 1 item I never find. Some stores stock certain items more then others, other times they just dont have the stock on hand cuz they didn't realize it would be a shelf clearer. Just be happy for what you have/got. Think time I'll try again.

  7. I agree with Marina. I don't have a problem with people following the rules or stores following their own policy. It's when the store doesn't follow policy that I get a little irritated. I went out of my way to follow policy this week. I went to multiple stores and made multiple trips over the last 6 days. I went one last time last night and I seen two ladies checking out with three carts making multiple transactions of fifteen items a piece. I was under the impression it was not supposed to be that way. Mostly I was jealous but I was irritated because I spent so much time and gas making these trips while these two women did it all in one. Nancy
