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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

I Apologize If I Sent Anyone on a Wild Goose Chase

Photo by patries71 via PhotoRee
Earlier to day I posted twice about an England's Egg Deal at Schnucks with an printable coupon and an insert coupon.

I sincerely apologize if I sent you on a wild goose chase.  No one can find 1/2 dozen Eggland's Best Eggs at Schnucks. The price of the store brand 1/2 dozen eggs is $0.79, so  I would imagine, if anyone could find the Eggland's Best, they would be more expensive than what I posted.  Again, I apologize - gas is way too expensive to chase a deal that doesn't exist. 

Coupon STL has become a community of couponers with the best intentions of helping others.  I love it when readers leave deal info.  I need to be more careful when posting an unadvertised deal and let readers know if it's a possibility  or confirmed.  It's one thing to stop and check on a deal if your are out and about anyway, another to get in the car and make a special trip, only to find out the deal doesn't exist.

I will make it a policy to state if an unadvertised deal is confirmed or just a possibility.  When you leave deal info in comments,  it would be helpful for everyone to  know, if you can confirm the deal yourself, or heard about it elsewhere.


  1. You could put like hiptosave does.....YMMV. I find deals all the time that work for some people at some store, that wont work for me at my store. If someone went to schnucks just for cheap eggs, yes that would be a waste of gas, even if the deal was good. I think this post was rude to the people that sent you the info. I will think twice about posting deals here, I don't want to be scrutinized if they don't work.

  2. Amy Coupon Savv GalsApril 6, 2011 at 6:41 PM

    I too had no luck, but I was going to Schnucks anyway, and hey, couponing is the luck of the draw sometimes. No skin off my back!! Happy couponing!!

    I think most everyone who coupons knows, you won't find every deal that gets posted. I have yet to get riled up by not finding a deal. Life's just too short!

  3. I completely agree with both of the posts above. In my opinion, coupling in itself is a bit of a "wild goose chase", and that's half the fun of it! A dozen eggs for $.18 is a fantastic deal, but only if you are making the trip anyway! I'm not wasting a penny on gas if all I'm going to get is a dozen eggs! You win some, you lose some...

  4. I appreciate all the information on this site and would never get too upset about a little misinformation. I know that it is hard to always fact check everything that is said here, so most people should just understand that things happen. I know I have 6 kids and ya, Ive learned to live and let live the hard way! Thanks so much for all the hard work and are doing a great job in my opinion!

  5. No biggie! Not all stores have the same sales.

  6. Hi All,

    I am not a Jerry Springer fan but I just have to chant:

    Jeri, Jeri, Jeri =)

    I think we All Love You =)

    Thank you very much for having such a great site =)

  7. Don't be so worried about it, Jeri - it is always a stinker to find out that your store doesn't carry something or that your Qs won't work the way you thought, but this happens to me at Wags all the time - I went to Schnucks earlier this week only to find out that mine doesn't carry Helluva dip at all - weird right? So when I was stopping at Schnucks anyway and there were no Eggland's Best 6 count eggs...cest la vie!
    I think it is great to be able to say that a deal is confirmed and maybe even say what store it was at, but you shouldn't beat yourself up or not pass on potential deals just because sometimes things vary by store or you can't confirm the deal yourself.
    Thanks for all you do - keep up the good work!

  8. Hi All - It was not my intention to be rude at all to anyone. I really appreciate eveyones help. I couldn't not do this alone. I'm sorry if it sounded that way.

    I just thinks it's my responsibility as a blogger to not throw deals up against a wall and hope something works. My hope is to help people save time and money not waste it.

    Judy - I hope you didn't take this any different way than I entended it to be. I really appreciate your help and info.

  9. I read it on another local couponing site this morning and I didn't have time to go to Schnucks today. Sorry for the trouble.

  10. You shouldn't have to appoligize. That's part of the coupon game! You are awesome and have saved my family SO much money that I wouldn't ever even think to complain about mistakes! I can't believe you are SO right most of the time. I thank you for your time and energy and tips you share with us every week. You're the best and this is the best coupon site for me!!!!

  11. ROFL!!! Where did you find a crying goose???

    I don't think any of us would have went running for a dozen eggs. (Though I did print the Q)
    If this year is like every other year of my life, eggs will be on sale anyway in the next couple weeks.

  12. I am with Janet and chanting Jeri Jeri are totaly the best. I never could have saved as much money as I have with out you. You and your blog are totally awesome! You are always so tactful in dealing with all of us crazy couponers. I for one am very grateful.

  13. I'll chime in the 'Jerri' chorus:) This post is a wonderful example of exactly why this is my favorite blog. I always trust that you and other readers are keeping everything in check and that coupons are used correctly. It is the only blog I recommend to folks who want start 'doing the coupon thing'. Give yourself a pat on the back, Jeri:)

  14. I am so grateful for this blog - no apologies to me are needed!! Thank you so much for everything you do, Jeri :)

  15. Jeri! Jeri! Jeri!

    Eggs? Shmeggs!!

  16. I always take any deal posting anywhere with a grain of salt. Lots of deals dont work out for lots of reasons. I'm just glad for all the helpful info here that does work!
