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Sunday, May 19, 2013

Schnucks - Free Bar S Franks After New Printable Coupon

Bar S Franks Coupon - May 2013

There is a new Bar S printable coupon available.  The link will take you directly to the coupon.  You should be able to print two coupons per computer.

:: At Schnucks through Tuesday, May 21st

Bar S Franks (16 oz) - $1.33
$0.75/1 Bar S Franks Coupon
= Free after Super Triple Coupon

See more of this week's Schnucks Deals.

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  1. YMMV... It says do not double on the printout and I've never gotten the coupons that say that to work at a double or triple coupons event :(

    1. Which location do you shop. I've never had a problem with coupons doubling or tripling at Schnucks even when that don't "do not double/Triple." If a coupon doesn't aromatically double/triple the cashier will manually do the job.

  2. Are the "All Beef" franks the ones that are on sale, or just the other ones?

    I have not had issues with "do not double" as they've always been doubled, or tripled, even if done manually.

    I will check the franks tomorrow when I'm at Schnucks and see if it includes the "All Beef" ones in their sale.

    1. Pretty sure the all beef are not part of the sale. Had no problem w/ the cpn bring x3. Even if the all beef are not part of it, you can probably get a good price. Good luck.

    2. so you're saying the coupon worked just fine on the ones that are not all beef? I looked this morning and could not find all beef, but did not try using the coupons on the other ones.

    3. I was wondering the same thing. I haven't went out yet today but I figured finding all beef bar-s was going to be difficult. If anyone finds them or uses the coupon successfully then Please post! -Nancy

    4. I just used three and didn't have a problem. Renee

    5. Sorry forgot to add that I did not find the all beef so used them on the jumbo. Renee

    6. I bought more today and did not see all beef. I've been using the cpns on the Jumbo ones, haven't had a problem. Actually depending on the cashier I have made money on the transaction because they they push through the triple.

  3. OK! I'll try the tripling tonight at Dorsett!
    Thank you Anonymous friends!

  4. I cant find the beef ones.

    1. I looked on their website and they do make all beef franks, but I have never seen the package that their site shows. Apparently they also have cheese and a couple other flavors. I don't recall ever seeing any of them.

  5. I am a cashier. Using this coupon on any type other than beef is coupon fraud. The cashier may not realize it is for the beef ones. If the store does not sell them, they will not get reimbursed the $.75, plus they lose $1.50 from their double amount, plus the cost of the hotdogs. Do you really think that is fair? This is why some cashiers read coupons, so they don't get in trouble for taking them for the wrong product.

  6. Margaret, I have had no trouble with mine scanning. They have only tripled up to the sale price so apparently they should work.
    As for fraud, I have been told by cashiers on all different types of coupons that if they scan then they can be accepted. Is it our fault that the scanners or cashiers are incorrect? It's bad enough that we have to watch every coupon when scanned to make sure they scan correctly and when they don't, WE have to tell the cashier. These stores run these promotions but don't make sure the scanners work properly or that the cashiers understand the policy or have the proper training when the computer doesn't work. How many times have we all had to go to customer service because the coupon doesn't ring up right and the cashier can only say "the computer did it that way" Why should we have to do the cashier's job for them?

    1. "Is it our fault that the scanners or cashiers are incorrect?" Yes, it is your fault to knowingly use a coupon for an incorrect product and that is fraud plain and simple.

    2. Until I read the post this morning I HONESTLY did not know it said "all beef". I went back and looked at the cpn and sure enough it does. I just thought when people asked about the all beef that they wanted the all beef franks. Just as cashiers miss scanning coupons, miss an item ringing up the wrong price or scan an item too many times, people using cpns don't always realize or miss text on the cpn. I've done it before and when the cashier tells I apologize and say I missed that. It seems obvious to me that no one is perfect and people will always make mistakes. What I have a problem with is someone who doesn't know anyone on this blog or even the customers in the store, just assuming that people are purposely trying to commit fraud.

    3. I too did not know it was all beef. I have a big outing this weekend and when I saw free hot dogs I got all excited, printed and clipped. I thought people were asking if any one has seen all beef hot dogs. Oops I am fairly new to couponing so I have learned something :) I agree with nskcsf, we all make mistakes.Renee

    4. I thought my original post would inform and stop misuse of the coupon. I did not single anyone out. The anonymous person that replied to me seems to think it is OK as long as they scan. I said that "knowingly" using a coupon for an incorrect product is fraud. I don't know why you would have a problem with me, I do not assume all people purposely do this. I have read and contributed many times on this blog for several years. I also know many customers in the store that come to my lane because I enjoy seeing them get good deals. I

  7. It sounds as if SOME cashiers want to collect a paycheck while the computers and customers do their jobs for them. Wonder how long I would have my job if I tried that?

    1. Do you really think cashiers should take the time to match every coupon to the product? I would love to check you out and do that, then listen to you complain about it. I would then just smile and nicely say "Thank you for your business, sorry it took so long, it's not that I assume you are trying to commit fraud, it's just that scanners can make mistakes"

    2. I think the point of what was trying to be said has been missed. We ALL make mistakes. Maybe instead of saying,
      "Using this coupon on any type other than beef is coupon fraud" It could of been stated in a less accusing way. People included myself made an honest mistake.

      And no one expects the cashiers to match every cpn. What is frustrating is now there is the accusation that just because a cpn is questioned the person would complain the whole time. You might want to think about the wording and give people the benefit of the doubt.

    3. Boy this turned into a hot topic. My two cents is this, even though it is "inconvenient" to have the cashier match every coupon to an item, it makes more sense if they do. Yes, it will take longer and we all know we couponers get looked at funny if we have too many but not matching them up is like telling them they don't have to count the money the customer gives them. Or telling me as a bank teller that I don't have to count the cash that I give or receive from customers. The coupons are basically cash.

      As for when a coupon is questioned, I have no problem with it. Most times I have everything in line. There have been a few times when I grabbed the wrong brand because the containers looked alike but I apologize and move on. Since it was my mistake I usually go ahead and buy the item instead of having the cashier take it off.

      I do agree with nskcsf. The way the fraud issue was worded was very accusing. How about we keep everything friendly on here? I sure do like saving tons of money and I can honestly say that without this site there is no way I would ever have the time, patience, or itelligence to be able to match everything up. Jeri does a wonderful, wonderful job and I am forever grateful for this site. Samantha B.

  8. i had a rebate $1 off hot dogs - I just used it because I didnt have the Bar S coupon...cant remember what beer or where I got it. Be on the lookout for it.

    1. I believe it was Miller or Natural Lite that had the instant $1 off offer. I found them twice at different stores. I had already used the first ones I found at SNS when they had some that were 20/$10, got 2 packs for each cpn. The second one's I found and held on to for a while made the Hunter brand at Schnucks free.
