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Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Free Kindle eBook - How To Cook From Scraps

Free Kindle eBook - July 2, 2013

How to Cook From Scraps

With more than 50 recipes and lots of tips, How to Cook from Scraps is the perfect book for anyone who wants to go beyond meals that come out of a box or the freezer aisle.  Learning to cook from scraps is about cooking efficiently and throwing away less.  Sometimes cooking from scraps is learning to reinvent leftovers.  Sometimes it is making your own broth.  Cooking from scraps is always about making the food you already have in your house go further.

Print List Price: $9.99
Digital List Price $3.99
Current Kindle Price: $0.00
You Save: $9.99 (100%)

Check the price before you buy. Prices can change at anytime on Amazon.

You don't need to own a Kindle to download eBooks.  Read eBooks on your computer, smart phone or mobile devices with Amazon's FREE Kindle Reading Apps.

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