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Sunday, August 10, 2014

Target Deal - Scrubbing Bubbles for $0.21

Target Deal - Week of 8/11/14

Update- Cartwheel % off is calculated after Target coupons.  The price for Scrubbing Bubbles would be $0.31 instead of what I originally posted. Thanks, Molly! 

Another great deal at Target

    :: At Target through Saturday, August 16th 

    Target Online Price 

    Scrubbing Bubbles Foaming Disinfectant Bathroom Cleaner Spray (32 oz) - $2.75
    $1/1 Scrubbing Bubbles Bathroom Cleaning Product Coupon (use 2)
    And use $1.25/2 Scrubbing Bubbles Item - Target Printable Coupon
    And use 15% off Scrubbing Bubbles - Target Cartwheel offer
    Earn $1.00  Cash Back wyb Scrubbing Bubbles Bathroom Products - Checkout 51 (limit 1 offer)
    = $0.21  $0.31each wyb 2 after stacked coupons, Cartwheel offer and Checkout 51

    This post contains affiliate links. For more information, please read my disclosure policy


    1. For the Target Cartwheel offer on Scrubbing Bubbles is a mobile phone necessary? If not, how do I get the 15% off?

      1. Hi qpons2 - I'll be honest I haven't used Cartwheel - I'm not much of a Target shopper, but I should be as good as some of the deals have been lately.

        Here is what Cartwheels website state -

        You may access Cartwheel from your desktop or mobile browser at, or download the apps from the App Store or Google Play.

        After you have added an offer - you may either print your Cartwheel barcode from your desktop at home, or use the app on your smartphone. When checking out, present your barcode (located on the "My Cartwheel" screen in the app or your printed barcode) to the cashier just as you would any other coupon. The cashier will scan your Cartwheel barcode and you'll automatically receive your savings on all of the Cartwheel offers on your list!

      2. I use cartwheel without using the mobile app. Here's how:
        1. go to the cartwheel website and sign in using the email address for your target account (create one if you need to) or through facebook
        2. browse the offers and add them to your cartwheel list. There are a limited number of offers you can have at once.
        3. click on "barcode" in the top menu bar and then click "print"
        4. take your printout to the store with you and have the cashier scan the bar code before you pay
        5. you can use the same printout again, as long as your offers are still valid/you haven't met the redemption limits

        Cartwheel savings come off after any target coupons are applied, so if you buy something for $10, use a $2 Target coupon and $1 manufacturer coupon, and have 10% off with Cartwheel, you'll pay:
        $10-$2 TQ=$8-10% CW=$7.20-$1 MQ = $6.20
        Every once in a while the bar code won't scan/apply, so then I go to guest service, and they're always great about fixing it.
        Hope that helps!

      3. Yes, your explanation helps a lot - thanks!

    2. Thank you so much with the helpful information on to use Cartwheel without a mobile phone. It's much appreciated.
