As of 5:15 all 50,000 free sample are gone. Now, Eos if giving away 200,000 $1 coupons.
Request a FREE Sample of Eos Lip Balm.
I've never tried this product before, but am anxious to. Anything with this cool of packaging catches my attention - even if it wasn't free.
Link keeps saying, "please be patient. will be back in 10 minutes". It has been more than 10 minutes and I also tried clicking on it again and again, still no sign of it coming back. :( Is it gone for good? :(
ReplyDeleteOh my! I've never seen the messge "be back in 10 minutes" before. I hope this is not gone for good. I'll try later today and if it's gone I'll edit the post.
ReplyDeleteI just did it and got it to work :)
ReplyDeleteYeah! Still working.
ReplyDeleteThey are now offering a $1.00 off coupon.
Thanks everyone for keeping my updated on what was going on. I can hardly keep up with the changes. I should learn how to twitter.