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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Milk Coupons and Chance to Win FREE Milk fro a Year

Head over to and enter to Win FREE Milk For A Year.  You'll  get a FREE Milk Coupon emailed to you just for entering.  Make sure you check your spam folder, mine ended up there.

I tried this to enter yesterday, but could not get the page to load.  I didn't have any problems today.

I received a coupon for FREE Single Serve Milk with purchase of gallon or half gallon or white milk.  There are several different coupons people are receiving.  What did you get?


  1. I got a free gallon wyb $100 of groceries. Since I never buy more than $30 in one trip, I wont be using the coupon. I wish you could tell what coupon you're getting before you print it. Will our stores here take coupons for free milk?

  2. I got free 1/2 gallon of chocolate milk when you buy 2 gallons of white. It would take us a month to use 2 gallons of milk.

  3. Most of my house is allergic to milk, my husband and I don't drink it and the only person who does drink it rarely does sooooo, we'd never drink 2.5 gallons of milk. Soy milk on the other hand....

  4. Don't spend $100? Give it to the lady behind you with a overfilled basket.

    Too much Milk? Think Shelters, Think the lady with a bunch of kids at church or across the street...

    I just love making people smile...


  5. Beat looking at a Deans ad (No MQ) in one of the 1/9/11 SS inserts. Why would I spend $3.34 for 2 half-gallon of Deans milk, when Aldi sells a gallon for $2.69

  6. Hi All - I didn't think my coupon for a free single with purchase of a gallon was very good, but it's something I might use more than what I'm hearing others got.

    I like Army Moms suggestion.
