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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Saved 77% This Week

I'm over budget for the week.  Thank goodness for my slush splurge funds. I'm happy I didn't have to spend more and the weather was nice on Friday because I was getting very low on meat.  I ended up with over 20 pounds of meat, and I'm not too far over budget.

When I checked out, I didn't get my ECB for the Finish/Air Wick, so the manager forced it to print.  I paid zero out of pocket and got back $20 in ECBs.  When I got home, I realised the cashier missed ringing up one of my Finishes. 

The next time I was driving by CVS, I took my receipt back in and explained they didn't charge me for one of my products and I wanted to pay for it - of course, paid for it with ECBs.  Second tip cost me 11 cents.  If the store had overcharged me, I would have when back for my money, so it's only fair the other way around.

Before sales & coupon: $76.87
Spent: $0.11 and $14.34 in ECBs
Saved: $76.76 for more than 99% savings and earned $20 in ECBs

I also picked up some of the 99 cent eggs, but missed putting them in the picture.  The overage from the floss paid for part of my paper.  If some of the floss hadn't rung up for less than the self price, the overage would have paid for more of my paper.  But how can you complain with overage.

Before sales & coupons: $20.95
Spent: $2.08
Saved: $18.87 for a 90% savings

I stopped on Sunday to pick up a few items before last week's sale was over. 

Before sales & coupons: $35.52
Spent: $6.50
Saved: $29.02 for an 82% savings

The split chicken breasts were with a rain check from a few weeks ago.  I was really happy to see Fuji apples still on sale for less than $1 a pound. 

Before sales & coupons: $66.16
Spent: $23.06
Saved: $43.10 for a 65% savings

This was my first stop ever at Kenrick's, a meat market in South County.  I saw their ad in Wednesday's Post-Dispatch and noticed they had ground chuck for $1.99 lb.  Since I was out and about, and not too far from their location,  I stocked up.

Comparable Schnucks price: $41.40
Spent: $19.99
Saved: $21.50 for a 65% savings

Comparable Schnucks price: $23.17
Spent: $10.17
Saved: $13.00 for a 56% savings

My Splurge
The picture doesn't look very appetising, but I know the Parmesan Encrusted Tilapia from Dierbergs is really good. My husband and I will enjoy it on Saturday night when my youngest is not home for dinner.

Spent: $8.98

Weekly Totals
Before sales & coupons: $264.07
Spent: $61.82
Saved: $202.25 for 77%

Year to Date Totals
Spent: $107.96 ($54 weekly average)
Saved: $267.79 for 71% ($134 weekly average)

Splurge Funds: $182.94

For those who don't read my blog on a regular basis, my splurge funds are the difference between what I've actually spent and my $50 budget. I use it for those items I never find on sale, don't have coupons for, or when I'm over budget.


  1. Kudos for you for going back and paying for the Finish. I do the same thing. Overage on coupons is one thing because they get reimbursed for the full amount, but not paying when it is in not rung is another. That helps they store out so they don't have shortage which can impact everyone who works they negatively and frankly, it would just eat at me until I went back in and paid for it.

    Enjoy the tilapia tonight. Have a great weekend.

  2. Just a quick question - Do you include the garbage bags and laundry detergent in your grocery budget? I've always wondered if those things should be included because you don't really "eat" them.

  3. Jeri - Thanks for setting a good example as an honest shopper :)
    Dierbergs' teriyaki and bourbon sauce salmon is excellent too.

  4. Hi Rhonda and CJ - I think going back and paying for the Finish goes beyond honestly. Trust is a huge factor in how a couponer is treated by the store and/or cashier. Yes, it was the right thing to do, but I also want the stores trust as honest couponer.

    Hi Mrs. Fisher - I do include all household consumables in my grocery budget, so yes, garbage bags and detergent is included.

    I think garbage bags are ungodly expensive. I use some grocery bags as garbage bags - love the Target bags. And, when I do buy garbage bags, I purchase an off brand at Target. They come in a plastic bag instead of a box.

    You don't see much Laundry detergent in my pictures, because at one point I had over a years supply in my stockpile.

  5. I am more familar with 'butcher shops' that operate or were in North County and have never stopped at Kenrick. Anyone who is thinking about a pre-package meal deal should think twice. Items like chicken, most pork and ground beef price pound are fairly low and usually ensure any beef steaks included doesn't put the shop owner in the poor house.

    Fair warning, if you walk into any store with a meat counter and are overcome with strong odors, it ain't normal. Each meat should be process seperately to avoid contamination and all equipment and surfaces clean with soapy water, followed by bleach water or similar solutions.

  6. Thanks for sharing your honest return, Jeri! I recently had the same experience with a blouse at coupons, of course. Honesty is always the best policy... after all, we have to live with our conscience!

  7. Hi kas - I was very pleased with Kenrick's. It's clean and bright in their store. I think it looks like a newer location.

    I agree on the meat packages. Wowza the meat is expensive per pound.

  8. I havent bought garbage bags in about 15 years. I get a roll of bags once a year included in my city's trash services, and I recycle a lot so dont put out much trash. Bags are so expensive, I couldnt imagine having to buy them all the time.
