If you watched Extreme Couponing last night, I'm sure you noticed Amy Woodall was shopping at a Schnucks. In one transaction, Amy purchased 93 packages of croutons for free after her $0.50 coupon doubled.
What? How could that be?
Schnucks double coupon policy is quite different depending on where the store is located.
Update: The Jefferson City store is now limiting doubling of coupons to 15. If your store has had unlimited doubles, you might want to check and see if they are continuing that policy.
Double coupons apply to manufacturer coupons valued at $.40 or less; limit 15 coupon
- St Louis Metro Stores
- Campaign, IL
- Savory, IL
- Springfield, IL
- Urbana, IL
- Cape Girardeau, MO
- Carbondale, IL
- Washington, MO
- Centralia, IL
- Rockford, IL
- Loves Park, IL
- Janesviille, WI
- Bartlett, TN
- Collierville, TN
- Germantown, TN
- Lakeland, TN
- Memphis, TN
- Horn Lake, MS
- Southaven, MS
- Columbia, MO
- Jefferson City, MO (limit 15)
- Bloomington, IL
- Normal, IL
- Pekin, IL
- Peoria, IL
- DeKalb, IL
- Evansville, IN
- Newburgh, IN
- Bettendorf, IA
Wow - that helps alot. I was confused how she did that too. I was thinking that may be the Cape Girardeau store, now that would also make sense based on the above.
ReplyDeleteI have a question for Jeri or one of the other experts on the site. I went to Schnucks in Crestwood this morning and bought 12 of the Yoplait yogurt. I used two 40 cent coupons which should have doubled up to 80 cents. But when I got home I noticed they only 'doubled' up to 76 cents. I would have asked at the store but I usually just count the beeps when the coupons are being swiped. Today I used 12 coupons, so 12 beeps. I realize this is only 8 cents but I am just being curious. If anyone could tell me why this didn't double completely to 80 cents I would appreciate it very much.
ReplyDeleteThanks again,
I was going to say the same thing as Will. I asked the cashier and she said some convoluted explanation that included the maximum of 2 free items. Huh? She said something about federal law and things being given away for free. Huh? She sited milk as being an item that can never be free. This is obviously not true because there are catalinas for free milk periodically.
ReplyDeleteI've had the same issue at Dierbergs and the .40 coupons not being *doubled*. I asked the cashier there once and they manually overrided the order and deducted the full .80.
I noticed that right off the bat last night and told my husband. They don't let us do that! Oh well, good for her!
ReplyDeleteFor family reasons we have to go to the Cape area every couple of weeks. Guess I need to go to that Schnucks instead of my own local store!
ReplyDeleteI've had that issue of the coupon only doubling up to 76cents as well. I think that since the yogurt is priced at 38 cents it only doubles the value of what one yogurt is priced so it's 76 cents even though you are buying more than one.
ReplyDeletei always have the same doubling problem with the dannon .40/6 at dierbergs.
ReplyDeleteI once used a coupon at Dierbergs that was for .50 but it rang up as .35 and then doubled to .70. I was happy for that!
ReplyDeleteHi All - If gas wasn't so expensive I might consider a trip to Columbia to shop.
ReplyDeleteYoplait coupon - This is my quess why the yoplait coupon dosen't double correctly. I think the thing is coded incorrectly. I don't think until the longer bar code is used, there is a code for .40 off 6.
I'm not a yogurt eater, but I'll try and remember to put a heads up note on my post when I list this coupon from now on out. Cashiers need to be warned it's not going to ring up correctly.
I think I can answer the Yoplait question. I worked at Schnucks for 6 years, but now am a stay at home mom. :) If the yogurt is ringing up for 38 cents each, that is the max the coupon will take off without intervention from the checker. I think that is the reason. I am not sure how much the individuals are, but that would be the factor. There was a time when the coupons wouldn't double if it was off multiple items, no matter what the individual cost was.
ReplyDeleteJust a glitch in the system. You can ask the cashier to manually put the coupon in under dairy if you remember next time. Or call the store now, and they will make a note that they owe you the difference next time you are in.
I realize the amount isn't great, but I would use a coupon for 8 cents off a product! ;)
Hope this helps
I just bought 6 Yoplait @ Schnucks today and used a .40 coupon. I had no problem at all, it doubled to .80 w/out the cashier doing anything special.
ReplyDeleteMy sister lives in Columbia, MO. I was not aware her Schnucks was more generous when they double her coupons. Her newspaper has TERRIBLE coupons, so doubt she profits much from the better doubling.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Tonya for the insider info.
ReplyDeleteHi KC - Can't your sister buy both the Post-Dispatch and the KC Sunday papers in Columbia? I've heard from people in mid state that they buy whichever paper has the best value coupons for the week.
About the 'no free milk'..... the cashier is not wrong. There are regulations in place about that. The Milk industry is so strong that there are different rules that govern it. When you get free milk for buying something, the cereal company or whatever you buy is actually paying for the milk. They redeem the coupon as if it were a coupon for one of their products.
ReplyDeleteThere are no laws about the limit of how many free items you get, but it is Schnucks policy to limit 2 free items with purchase of 2 when they have a BOGO free sale.
Your cashier may not have been completely informed about the policies or got policies confused or been only half listening at training. This could explain her misinformation.
The state of Missouri does not allow brand specific milk coupons. However they do allow for $ off milk coupons if it does not specify a brand. I had to investigate this last year as I had won Free milk for a year from the Milk Council and I had 52 FREE milk coupons. I actually had to print a copy of the "regulation" from the state of Missouri’s website to show my grocery store. You can find the PDF HERE: http://www.moga.mo.gov/statutes/c416.htm
ReplyDeleteHi All - Interesting info on milk coupons. Thanks for the info.
ReplyDeleteI would actually like to have a coupon policy for Schnucks. Does anyone know where I can find one? I live close to the Bettendorf Schnucks, so am thinking their double coupon policy is a little unfair that only 4 stores don't get the doubling. Thanks for helping me out.
ReplyDeleteHi Kandice - Schnucks does not have a published coupon policy. I'm sure becuase it is so different depending on what market you are in. You can email their Customer Service and I think they will send you some info depending on what market you are in.
ReplyDeleteHere in St Louis, Schnucks doubles to $.40. Rarely does it make a difference.
My husband and I both grew up in Iowa. We wish we had Hy Vee in this area.
Thank you, very helpful!
ReplyDeleteI agree that the Columbia coupons are not always that great thats why i buy the city newspapers. I think i will have to check out the Columbia schnuks now, thanks for the information on the double coupon policy
ReplyDeleteHi Columbia Shopper - Yes, you have a much more generous coupon policy at the Colubia Schnucks than we do in St Louis. If you can get the KC Sunday paper, check out the coupons in it too. I've heard they get better value coupons than we get in the Post-Dispatch.
ReplyDeleteDenise From IL here...do you have any information in regards to Schnucks coupon doubling over here? I am in Belleville..was just curious as all the stores listed are in MO. Thanks in advance for any & all help! :O)
ReplyDeleteOoops Ok I do see some IL listings sorry about that...I guess Belleville is not one of them...I might ask customer service next time I'm in though just to be sure...THANKS & sorry about my ooopsy....I'm a lil sleep deprived! LOL!
ReplyDeleteHi Denise - Belleville is part of the St Louis Metro area. Double coupon valued at $0.40 or less - limit 15 coupons.
ReplyDeleteis there a certain day they do double coupons?
ReplyDeleteHi Anonymous - At the stores Schnucks doubles coupons it is every day of the week.
ReplyDeleteJeri THANKS!!! Appreciat the 411! :O)
The Jefferson City Schnucks now has a 15 double coupon maximum and they don't allow you to check out multiple times to avoid the limit. Apparently that's what some were trying to do. They did kindly allow me to check out 4 times due to a catalina requirement and agreed to hand key the last coupon that should not be doubled. Thanks to the awesome manager!!
ReplyDeleteAccording to that manager, the limit on doubles is due to all of the "new" couponing going on and people coming in and clearing the shelves. While I realize it might be fun to buy 90+ bags of croutons please use some common sense and allow all of the families trying to save a buck to have a chance at the sales.
I am really not liking this Exteme Couponing show and I don't even get cable/satellite (too cheap...that's why I coupon). It started with people buying all the St. Louis papers for coupons and now the stores are changing the coupon policies -- for the worse.
Hi Jeff City - I can see why stores are changing coupon policy. I agree some people have taken Extreme Coupoing too far.
ReplyDeleteHere in St Louis the 15 limit has never really been a problem. You don't see many $0.40 or less coupons except for P&G coupons.
The great thing in Jeff City is they double coupons up to $1. So $0.51 to $0.75 is still "doubled" to $1. Hopefully we won't lose that!
ReplyDeleteI hope you don't lose that good doubles either.
ReplyDeleteyou guys are being greedy, and will wind up changing the coupon policies for everyone. When the supermarket sells the item @ 10/$10, they are already selling at a low gross profit margin. When you use a 50¢ off coupon and the store doubles it, the store is taking that 50¢ loss per item. I dont blame them for not letting you rip them off. If they allow that, they will have to raise margins somewhere, like on us good customers who just want some cheap prices. I noticed walmart makes it thru this unscaved, as they sell us all of their china produced items. Just get 1 or 2 items and stop killing the country I love.
ReplyDeleteTo anonymous on June 12: The store could choose not to double coupons if they are losing money on the deal, but as long as they double my coupon, I'm going to take them up on their offer. Why are you on a couponing blog if you don't intent to use a coupon?
ReplyDeleteTo anonymous.......stated a manufactured on top of store and sale is very legal so if there is a dollar even better. if we were losing out they wouldn't make these rules
ReplyDeleteHey all...My IL store does double BUT in the long run I am better off at another store as my Schnucks is many times $0.50 at least more per item! for example milk for $4.39??? WHAT??? Not when I can go next door to Target and get it for $2.99 every day. Unfortunately my Schnucks is NOT coupon friendly AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!! Today I was told I could NOT do the following: I purchasaed 2 Kraft Salad dressings. Each bottle had a $0.50 off peelie. I also had a coupon for free produce up to $1 when you buy 2 Kraft dressing. Yep you guessed it. I was NOT able to use my peelies on the dressing and still get $1 off produce. I did ask the manager to explain it. He was quite rude and annoyed. I was very nice and just asked him to explain it to me so I didnt misinterpret coupons in the future (never would want to give us couponers a bad name). Anyway he was a jack@$# . Schnucks better start being nice. Their store is NEVER busy and they are WAY over priced. I only go in for an extremely good deal ( like the $10/10 if I have coupons). They are so over priced that I did NOT use my $10 off a shopping order of $50 or more because I would outrageously overpay on items to get to $50. Anyway just thought I would share what is going on up here in IL. In the world of competition Schnuck's better get a clue because other stores are running them over. Hopefully I am the minority but judging from posts here I am guessing not. Happy couponing all
ReplyDeleteHI Illinois Shopper - I'm sorry to hear you have such a bad expierence at your Schnucks. You should call the Corporate Customer Service line and relay your story. When the store I shop didn't understand how coupons worked, I called corporate and they made sure the store employees were trained on coupons.
ReplyDeleteI think most of use couponers in St Louis "cherry pick" at Schnucks. They sometimes have a few great deals, but not always.
Is HyVee moving into your part of IL? I'm originally from Iowa and love "The V." There customer service is the best. I've heard they are expanding in IL, but don't know where.
I went into Schnucks and had over free 50 item coupons. They told me they only take 5 free item coupons and got a huge attitude with me. So I write the companies and get free coupons. Does that make me a bad person? I actually had them call security on me once cause according to them I had 8 free product coupons. All direct from the companies and they actually drug me in for questioning on why i was stealing from them. SERIOUSLY????
ReplyDeleteHi Anonymous - You sound very frustrated and I can see why. Have you contacting Schuncks corporate and asked about the free coupon policy?
ReplyDeleteIf you feel like you are treated poorly at any retailer you should contact there corporate offices.
I live in Champaign, IL and our Schnucks will double coupons up to $.40. If I have a $.50 coupon, will it double to the maximum allowed $.80 or will I only get $.50 off?
ReplyDeleteHi Champaign - You town is just like the St Louis area. $0.40 and under are doubled and anything over $0.40 you only get the face value of the coupon.
I am new to this and need alot of help... I've been reading youn alls post on Schnucks and it really discouraged on going to their stores. I just want to get the best deals and not go overboard. So I might need to reconsider my options.
ReplyDeleteDon't be discouraged. Schnucks still has great deals. Not every week but when they do, you can stock up in resonable quantities of itmes you will use. Check out the coupon match-up pages to see the deals.
I don't normally shop at Schnucks, but I had a BOGO free internet printable and they said they do not take them. Do other Schnucks say this also?? The match-up page listed it on a sale item, so I thought it would work.
ReplyDeleteHi Stiffneck - Schnucks has their coupon policy online now.
It states:
Does Schnucks accept “Buy One Get One FREE” coupons from the internet?
As long as the internet coupon requires an additional purchase of a product or products, Schnucks does accept internet coupons for “BUY One, Get One FREE” offers.
Looks like you should print out their policy and keep it with you when shopping.
The store in DeKalb IL is doing triple coupons this week only! Because they don't do this I am new at this. It says face value of .55 will be tripled limit 20. SO I assume that means if I have a coupon that says $1/2 that it wont be tripled even though it is only taking .50 each item. Is that correct????
ReplyDeleteWhy don't the Evansville and Newburgh stores offer double coupons?
ReplyDeleteDo any of the other grocery stores in those areas double coupons?
DeleteFrom what I understand, Schnucks matches what the competition does. Here in St. Louis they only double to 40 cents, but less than an hour away, they double up to $0.50.
You should post your question on Schnucks Facebook wall and see how they answer the question.
Update on JC Schnucks coupon policy, now only double coupons under 50 cents (15 limit). :-(
ReplyDeleteI think they will lose a lot of business with this decision.
Hi - Thanks for the info. I need to get this post updated, not only with your info but to include the stores they bought in IL.
DeleteWhen did they change the amount they would double?
I looked to see if Columbia had changed and at least online they look to be doulbing as they always had.
The JC double coupon policy change happened in the last two weeks. Now, with the ability to price match at Wal-Mart and Target the only reason I will go is for a great deal, rebates/coupons.
ReplyDeleteHere in St Louis, the best deals at Schnucks tend to be Catalina deals. But, those don't happend all that often.
ReplyDeleteI have now had the Wentzville store limit me to 3 of the same coupons per transaction. And these were not doubles.
Hi Robert - I've never known Schnucks to do that, but it might be up to an individual manager. You could always call Corp. Customer Service and see what they say the policy is.
DeleteEvery schnucks I go to only allow 3 identical coupons.