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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

FREE Bottle of Purex on 9/7/11

This is a deal for people with a quick computer and fast fingers.

FREE Full Size Bottle of Purex Complete with Zout
  • Wednesday, September 7th, Noon Central Time
  • First 400 Submission only.
Good Luck!  Let me know if you get one.

Thanks, Kelly!


  1. Is it really at noon Central time? There is a countdown clock until tomorrow with 21 hours left on it and it is noon Central time right now. One of those is wrong.

  2. @Chava
    It says it's for WEDNESDAY at noon central time, today's Tuesday :)

  3. @Chava I really don't know. I've also seen 10 am PTS on Wednesday. That would also make for noon central. But that countdown doesn't make sense. I quess everyone better be ready at 11 central time too.

  4. Hi Guys, PST or Pacific Time are 2 hours difference. Always add (+2) to CST or Central Standard time, our time in St. Louis. So if it says 10am then it would be 8am our time. Their clock says 10am, that's their time not ours. We have to be ready at 10am and I'll get up early, run my fingers under warm water and begin my 'stretching the fingers' work out. Just kidding...sorta lol

    Debra D.

  5. So to make it simple, 8am will be the kick off time for St.Louis.

    Debra D.

  6. Pacific Standard Time is two hours later, not earlier, than Central Standard Time. 10am PST is 12pm CST.

  7. I apologize PST 10a is 12p CST but check this out, bc the clock says in 2 hours and 41m. It is now 7h and 18m = which equals 10am. But PST 10a is 12p CST. (+2), even on their facebook page there is the same discrepancy (comments by others).

    Next: once the time arrives, how do you request it? Do we go to Facebook and wait for a link? Can someone advise on both q. Thank you.

    Debra D.

  8. @Anonymous Hi Debra - Time zones are confusing enough and then the count down clock dosen't match any time they've mentioned?

    As for where to request the bottle, Purex doesn't really say anything about it.

    I'm assuing on the link I posted, but you might also want to monitor Purex's Facebook page. I hope you get one!
