For several years, I have refilled black ink cartridges at Walgreens with good success. It is much more reasonable than buying a new ink cartridge. And often, Walgreens has a coupon or special price for the refills that make the price even better.
I haven't had as much success refilling color print cartridges. A manager told me to get the best results with color, you need to take the cartridge directly from your printer to the store, or put it in a baggie to keep it from drying out.
I haven't tried either method with color cartridges because we have set the default on our printer to print only in black. I haven't had any problems with stores accepting black and white coupons. (I've probably jinxed myself by writing that.) One of the coupon printing companies, SmartSource, even states on their coupons, "coupon may appear in color or black and white."
Check here to find the Walgreens closest to you that refills printer cartridges, and if they refill your brand.
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