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Friday, July 10, 2009

Saved 83% This Week

I received several rebate checks this week. I don't account for until I get them back - just in case I forget to send them in. I had several more rebate forms sitting on my desk. Receiving the checks inspired me to dig through my receipts and get them sent in.

I shopped at the Twin Oaks store because they match Shop 'n Saves $10 off $50 Thursday. I know it cost me gas money for the 40 mile round trip, but I still come out some ahead. I made the trip to the Twin Oaks store, not only to save money, but to make my consumer statement. If Schnucks offers a deal at one store in the area, they should offer it at every store. I'll play their game to make my point.

Total before coupon & sales: $94.77
Total spent: $17.04
Total saved: $77.73 or 82%

Before coupon & sales: $46.50
Total spent: $1.99
Total saved: $44.51 or 96%

This was a great deal. Not only cheap Eggos, but a money-maker with the $10 Kellogg's rebate.

Before coupons & Sales: $20.40
Total spent: $5.00
Total saved: $15.40 or 75 %

Total before coupons & sales: $46.88
Total paid: $18.34
Total saved: $28.54 or 61%

Comparable Schnucks price: $33.69
Aldi price: $14.65
Total saved: $8.04 or 35%

Weekly Totals
Before coupons & sales: $231.24
Total spent: $57.02
Rebates received: $18.00
Net spending: $39.02
Total saved: $192.22

Totals since April 1st
Total spending: $664.35 ($46.03 weekly average)
Total saved: $2,881.46 ($205.82 weekly average)


  1. Where did you get all your coupons for the bakeshops for the Target deal(great scoop by the way!)?

  2. Eggo printable coupons are avaiable on redplum and So, I could print 4 coupons from each computer and I have access to 3 computers.
