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Sunday, March 7, 2010

Cottonelle - $1 Printable Coupon

I know lots of my readers are loyal Cottonelle users. So not only was I excited to find this coupon on, but knew many readers would be too.

$1 on any (1) Cottonelle Bath Tissue, any variant 12-pack or larger. (Use zip code 30002)

When the stars align, sales and coupons all hit at the same time.

At Shop 'n Saver through 3/13/10
Cottonelle Double Roll Bath Tissue, 12 ct. Ultra, White or Aloe - $5
$1 - HERE (use 30002 zip)
Final price: $4.00 each
Makes it .17 per single roll equivalent - Stock Up Price


  1. Perfect timing, we're on our last roll. I've been holding out for a deal!!!---Natalie

  2. how do you figure 17 cents a roll?
    I come up with 33.3 cents per roll

  3. Cause they are actually a double roll & not a single roll

  4. Hi Natalie - I worry my family when we get down to the last package of TP. They think I won't find a deal. There is always something that comes up.

    Hi Anonymous - TP brands all size differently - double roll, big roll, mega roll. So when I figure the price per roll, I convert the number of rolls to the single roll equivalent listed on the package.

    In this case the Cottonelle 12 double roll = 24 single rolls. I figured my price on that 24 single roll number. Sorry if I cofused you.
