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Friday, March 19, 2010

Kmart Rescinds $10 off $20 Coupon

I spoke with Customer Service at a local St Louis Kmart this morning and she told me Kmart has rescinded the $10 off $20 coupon. Stores received an email this morning telling them not to accept the coupon; it was meant for Chicagoland stores only.

What was Kmart thinking. Someone actually go paid to think up this promotion, or should I say not think through this promotion.

Thanks, kas and CJ for the heads up!


  1. Jeri - Well darn! Thanks for letting us know.

  2. My husband got to use one this morning! He's hoping to have luck one more time this afternoon--we'll see. He just saw on a forum that there are actually people selling the coupons on ebay! That'll backfire!

  3. Some of us learn valuable lessons when Fattie was the primary game on the net. First, be lowkeyed or else 'mistakes' disappear ASAP. Second, no one owes you info, so do your own searches. Third, learn that businesses do make mistakes; but don't hold their feet to the fire. Finally, there is always another day and alot more web sites and now blogs to learn about hot deals.

  4. Hi Julia - Just be thankful you got to take advantage of the coupon once. I can't believe anyone would buy coupons off of ebay. In my opion they my as well just throw their money out the window and save themselves the angst.

  5. Thanks kas for the old-timers advice. And no, I'm not refering to age just experience.

    I think you should send your couponing resume to Kmart/Sears. You have valuable knowledge they might pay for.

  6. Jeri, one time I spoke with a Sears manager who had previously worked as a supervisor at Kmart. His words was very negative about Kmart and he enjoyed work better at Sears. Given installation of shocks for my truck was delayed by 2-3 hours by a mechanic not showing up and the tech on duty being prohibited from using a torch, even that Sears was a joke. It's and the rest of the mall are now vacant; but that a different can of worm.

    The shop which does most of the work on my vehicle required a new location. The owner talked Kmart management into leasing the bays of a store and he seems to be swamped most of the time.

    I view Sears Holdings as a big joke.

  7. Interesting comments on other blogs about the Kmart coupon. People are being told various things - the coupon is only good in NY, Chicago and Baltimore; it will be accepted starting next week; someone hacked into KMarts site and posted it; etc etc. But one lady managed to use 20 of them!!

  8. The last line on the coupon states valid at all Kmart stores, it should be more specific if it can only be used in certain cities.

  9. What is there to say - it's Kmart.

  10. not "S"mart?! ....(just joking ;)

  11. Hi coupon.girl - Love your humor. You always come up with a good one.

  12. Credit to nana on finding this article.

  13. My Kmart had a sign posted showing a coupon for the NY area. It said that somebody took the NY coupon and modified it.

  14. Hi Nancy - I liked directly to the coupon from the Kmart website. If someone was able to hack into their system and modify the coupon, are credit cards secure with their online shopping?

    Kmart should rethink the implications of saying someone modified it. Why don't they just say we made a mistake and didn't think through what we put online.

  15. My Mom went to Kmart this morning and the cashier showed her the email that said it was an email for NY customers only. My Mom told her n, it was on your main website. They said, oh well!

  16. Hi Melissa - That's Kmart for you.
