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Monday, May 10, 2010

Beer Rebates at Walgreens

When Walgreens talked about selling liquor again, several readers weren't too excited. But, I don't think anyone thought about this perk. I know I didn't.

Reader Trish, found beer rebates at Walgreens!

$10 Mail-In Rebate off the purchase of $15 of total basket items - compliments of Coors.

$10 Mail-In Rebate off the purchase of $15 of total basket items - compliments of Miller.

Purchases must occur between 5/1/10 and 5/31/10.

Trish called the rebate center to find out what "basket items" meant. The rebate is good for any item from Walgreens, excluding tobacco, gift cards and prescriptions or other restricted items.

Remember - No beer purchase required with beer rebates in Missouri.

Thanks, Trish!


  1. I have sporadic luck finding beer rebates at the grocery. Maybe I'll better luck at Walgreens. Thanks for the tip, I start strolling the beer aisle!

  2. Hey Trish - Did they specify it had to be used on Walgreens purchases? I didn't see that in the fine print and I would love to use on grocery receipts I already have....

  3. Hi Andrea - In the email Trish sent me, she said the rebate card does not mention walgreens, but the rep on the phone did say the items had to be from Walgreens.

    Hopefully Trish is reading and can give us more insight into her conversation with the rebate center.

  4. Thanks so much! I found both of these rebates today and would not have thought to look at Walgreens. Actually, I didn't know about MO beer rebates until Jeri mentioned them on this blog several months back. Now I save my receipts and have fun "hunting" for rebate forms!

  5. Given that Wags still aren't on every corner, I can't see requiring the $15 in items must be only purchased at that chain. I've reviewed the Miller Lite one, which I found at a store off Highway 94 last week. Now when Miller gave away the free DiGirono Pizza by a NBPR coupon that form stated it was good only at 7-Eleven.

    Now be on the lookout for a couple B$30 for a $10 mail-in rebate forms. Both tearpad forms also have MQ. I found these at a SnS store.

  6. Is the $15 of basket items before or after coupons?? I can't wait to do this rebate!

  7. Hi all, I did call the rebate center last week and the rep specifically said for both coupons it was for items from Walgreens. I called to check on what items, and she said anything from Walgreens (except prescriptions, etc.) I'm a little skeptical, but I haven't seen either of the forms any where else. What Kas said makes more sense to me. I'll call again tomorrow and reply on this post. - Trish

  8. I also found a Bud. rebate at Walgreens. Spend at least $10 on 2 Tostitos and 2 Tostitos dips receive $5 rebate. I'm need to see if I can find some Tostito coupons!

  9. Hi Maureen - I'm going to have to drive to the county to find beer at Walgreens.

    The 4/25/10 SS insert has a coupon for .55 when you Tostitos chips and dip.

    If you want to email me a picture of the front of the rebate form, I'll post it so everyone knows what they are looking for.

    Thanks a bunch!

  10. Sorry everyone- I raced home from work to call the rebate center and it was already closed! I'll try again tomorrow and post what I find out here. Trish

  11. I called the rebate center twice today (different numbers on each form.) Both said I could purchase the items at any store. They asked for the offer number and looked it up. I did not mention where I found the rebates, so that might be why I got a different answer.

  12. Thanks Jen, I did call again. I was told (again) that the items needed to be from Wags but the liquor could be from anywhere. Clear as mud now. I think I'll just use all the Wags coupons I have and hope for the best. Trish

  13. I called today for both rebate offers. Both said it could be from any stores. But the total OOP has to be over $15, that's after taken off all the coupons.

  14. Found a new NBPR form at the SnS store on Lemay Ferry. It's from Honey Moon or actually, Coors.

    B$10 in fresh seafood and get $5 back by mail. Must buy by 6/30/10 and one can submit mulitple receipts.

  15. Thanks everyone for making the phone calls. I agree with Trish, it's clear as mud.

    But, if you don't buy anthing just for the rebate and use a receipt for products you would have bought anyway. The most you would be out if this doesn't work is the .44 stamp.

  16. Thanks, kas! I'll be watching for that one.

  17. I found the Coors Light form (pictured at the top of the page) at the Wags that is a few blocks west of I-170 on the Rock Road.

  18. Does anyone know if the Miller Light and the Coors Light are separate deals? The form says one per household, but technically the address for the Miller Light and Coors Light, though the same, has a different offer number. The front cover is different for both too, so I'm assuming they're separate and will be sending in two. Hopefully I won't be out a stamp.

  19. Hi Julie - Most rebates go through one of a few rebate processors, so many rebates will have the same address. If they have different offer numbers they should be seperate rebates. Do they have a toll free number on the form? If they do you can always call with your questions.
