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Thursday, July 7, 2011

FREE Pre-School Vision Screening

Missouri Lions Eye Research Foundation will hold  FREE Children's Vision Screenings for children six months and up at the St Louis Science Center on Friday, July 8th and Saturday July 9th, 2011 between 9:30 am and 4:30 pm.

I've always wondered how anyone could tell a toddler needed glasses.  If you've wondered too, check out the info on Children's Vision Screening.  I'm sure my kid's were never screened as pre-schoolers; it looks like were lucky, they had no eyesight problems.


  1. I'm realllllllllly glad you posted that! I am an Optometry student, and I think it is very important for young children to get checked for eye problems!! There are things that your eye doc can spot now that can prevent future problems from occurring or progressing. So everyone who can make it to this, please do!

  2. You[re welcome. This is a great service the Lions provide.

  3. What a great service the Lions Club provides. I want to thank you for posting this also Jeri.

  4. FYI, I think the state of Missouri requires a vision screening for all children entering kindergarten unless the parent signs a waiver.
