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Monday, October 24, 2011

What's for Dinner? Grilled Hamburgers and Cauliflower

photo from parsley
It's suppose to be a beautiful evening, so I'm planning on grilling.

Grilled Cauliflower is one of my favorite side dishes.  This recipe works great on the grill, or in the oven - just depending on what else I'm cooking that night to where I put it.  

What's for dinner at your house tonight?

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  1. Pizza chicken, roasted potatoes and broccoli!

  2. No dinner tonight but I had 6 free wings from Buffalo Wild Wings for a snack this afternoon.

  3. Broiled BBQ Sirloin Chops, Broccoli Rice Casserole, Green Salad with tons of veggies.

    Going to cook some more chicken and beef stock tomorrow. That is so easy and you can freexe for 6 months. Great for those winter months.

  4. We had chicken squares (or what my husband and son like to call chicken yums).

    I mix 1 cup cooked chicken with ranch dressing, shredded cheese (normally mozarella), bacon bits, and a little bit of lemon juice, Parmesan cheese, and garlic salt. Take a can of crescent rolls and put on a cookie sheet, using 2 triangles each to make 4 squares. Put a scoop of the chicken mixture in the middle of each one and fold up the corners. Bake according the crescent rolls directions.

    They are a big favorite around here. :)

  5. We had green chili and cornbread. I wish someone in this house other than myself liked broccoli and cauliflower. I miss them!

  6. JB, thanks for sharing your chicken squares recipe. Sounds like your husband and son are right to call them chicken yums. :) Now, I will be waiting for a crescent roll deal so we can have this also. Thanks again.

  7. Oh, I would have to skip the bacon bits or switch it with something else. Though I love it, hubby does not eat anything pork. :I

  8. Hi All - Thanks for participating in What's for dinner. I love it when recipes or insturctions are included.

    Rhonda - I would love to know how you make stock. I've never made stock before, but know I should give it a try.

    Marcella - I know how you feel. My family will eat broccoli & cauliflower, but there are some things I love that no one else will eat like sauerkraut.

    coupon.girl - Since the Chicken Ymms are individual packs, you could sprinkle bacon bits on yours right before you fold them up. I have lots of expierence of cooking two ways when the kids were little.

  9. Jeri-This is the instructions I use to make my own chicken broth:

    I love doing it, and it tastes great! I haven't purchased canned broth in over a year.

    I do freeze mine in a unique way, though: I freeze it in muffin cups and then store the "discs" in a freezer bag. Each disc equals about 1/4 cup. Perfect for measuring in recipes!

  10. @Emily

    Thanks! I bookmarked that site. It sounds easy enough to accomplish.
