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Thursday, March 21, 2013

CJ's Super Triples Shopping Trip

Readers Shopping Trip - March 2013

CJ's Schnucks Shopping Trip

1 Cheerios  $2.47 - .50 = $1.47 and it included a free Shrek DVD that completes the 4 disc set for my niece and nephew :)
2 Dole Parfaits  $2.50 each - 2 .75 printables = .25 each
2 Hungry Jack hash browns  $1.50 each - 2 .50 coupons = 2/free (I wish I had more of these, they are sooooo good!)
2 Simplait yogurt .88 each - 2 .40 printables = 2/ free
1 pound ground sausage  $2.07 - $2 WOW coupon = .07
3 French's Dijon Mustard  $2.00 each - 3 .75 coupons = 3/free (will donate)
4 Dole pineapple  .80 each - 2 .50/2 coupons - .50 earned Catalina = .30 profit
2 Duncan Hines Flavor Creations packets  $1 each - 2 free coupons = 2/free
Paid:  $1.90 for $23.66 worth of groceries + has a $0.50 Catalina Coupon for the her next shopping trip.

I would love to show off your shopping trip, too. Email me at couponstl (at) gmail (dot) com with your picture, or post your picture on the Coupon STL Facebook page, and I'll make sure to get them posted.

If you haven't got in on Schnucks Super Doubles yet, see Schnucks Super Triples coupon match ups.

Thanks for sharing, CJ!


  1. Whoot! Whoot!....I've been so sick..I'm usually first in line on day I'm banking on a restock!...Great job, I get to live vicariously by your pics :)

  2. Wow CJ, you did great! Have you tried the flavor creations yet? I was wondering if they were good or not?? They look yummy! :-)

  3. Thanks, everyone :) Went to Schnucks and Dierbergs last night and got another $19 worth for $3.50. I love double/triple weeks! I havent tried the Flavor Creations yet, I'm waiting for a good price on the frosting base. I got the chocolate and orange cream flavors, how could they not be good?? :)

    1. Good thing you stuck to some regular flavors on the Flavor Creations. I heard someone say the Cotton Candy and Bubble Gun were horrible.

  4. CJ, don't waste your time waiting for a store frosting sale. IMO they are just gross. Make your own with butter, vanilla, powdered sugar and milk. Trust me it taste much better than that gross can frosting. I cringe when I go to someones house and they serve me a cupcake with store bought frosting! :-(

  5. My schnucks store sells the icing from the bakery, which is great!$3.00 per pound.

    1. NO way! Really! I'm gonna get me some of that!!

  6. Schnucks bakery icing is made of crisco and powdered sugar! Sounds fabulous if you want to have heart surgery! Is there a coupon for heart surgery???
