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Saturday, February 21, 2009

Have You Tried to Get the Vet Voucher?

I posted about a free $20 rebate for a vet visit on Thursday.

My husband and I tried many times to get this voucher with no success. I was beginning to think that there was no voucher to be had, and was embarrassed that I had posted about this deal. I even e-mailed Get to the Vet to find out if the deal was for real.

I did a little research on a forum and found a few tricks that will help.

  1. Before the top of the hour, fill out the requested information and be ready to submit it.
  2. Open up several windows and have the information ready.
  3. Watch the clock on your computer and when it turns over to the top of the hour, hit the submit button.
  4. If the first window doesn't work, go on and submit in the additional windows you have open.

With this method I was able to get a voucher from my first open window.

Good Luck! Sorry if I caused you any frustration.

Please leave a comment and let me know if you were also having problems obtaining the voucher and if the tips helped.


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