Blinkies: These are the coupons you pull out of the little machine that blinks. Hence the name and the picture I added to my post. You find them attached to a shelf, or freezer/refrigerator door - usually close to the item they are for. These are the easiest to find because of the blinking machine.
Tearpads: The name is self explanatory. These can be found anywhere in the store. They can be attached to the shelf, just laying on a shelf, on a cardboard display or even around the Customer Service counter.
Brochures: These are the probably the least obvious to notice. I have found these around a seasonal display, in the beer aisle, and with the sales flyers at the front door. They usually have several coupons in them along with additional information around a theme.
Peelies: These are attached to a product. Peel them off and use them that day when checking out. Some of these coupons even say valid only if cashier removes them.
Coupons inside packaging: Some products advertise you will find a coupon inside the packaging. Pay attention to the added features on the packaging. I've seen two items sitting next to each other and one advertises a coupon, the other doesn't.
Besides peelies, I rarely use coupons I find at the store that day. I don't usually find them for items on sale or on my shopping list. Although many times I will find the product on sale before the coupon expires - sometimes at the store I found it, but more often at a different store.
A big question in the couponing world is how many of these coupons to take. I'm comfortable with taking two blinkies or tearpad coupons, one brochure, and peelies only if I'm purchasing the product that day. I feel everyone should have a chance to pick up these coupons. But, if I'm at the store the next week and these coupons are still available, I will think about taking a few more.
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