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Saturday, March 14, 2009

Coupon Preview 3/15/09

There are three coupon inserts in this Sundays newspaper - SmartSource, Red Plum and P&G.

Some of my favorite coupons this week:

  • $1 - Wish-Bone Bountifuls Dressings
  • $1 - any McCormick Seasoning Blend, Spice, Herb, Extract or Food Color
  • $1 - any Sargento Salad Finishers or Potato Finishers
  • $3 0n 3 - Listerine & Reach products
  • $1 - any Band-Aid Adhesive Bandages
  • B1G1 - Glade Spray
  • B1G1 - Glade Scented Oil Candles holder
  • B1G1 - Wheat Thins Artisan Cheese Crackers
    • The Listerine/Reach coupon matches up with a Walgreens Register Reward deal for this coming week. Using this coupon will result in a free toothbrush, floss and bottle of mouthwash.

      Remember: DEAL$ sell the Sunday Post Dispatch for $1. The early edition is published on Saturday and it includes all the coupon inserts.

      I'm going to pick up a few extra paper this week. Just one Listerine/Reach coupon will more than cover my cost.


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