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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Post-Dispatch Articles 3/25/09

There were several interesting articles in the Post-Dispatch this morning.

Upscale grocery stores lose customers to Kroger, Wal Mart, byline Ladue.

Have I missed something? Has Kroger opened a store in town? Maybe they are hiding in Ladue.

This was a very interesting article about shoppers changing their habits. My favorite quote - "Shoppers are now overwhelmingly more focused and organized when planning their shopping trips."

The article also mentioned how Krogers' sales of store-brand items are at a all-time high. Since couponing, I haven't purchased any store brands because I can find the "expensive" brands for less when I combine coupons and sales. Yes, I am certainly more focused and organized when planning.

In another food related article, Cook it or chuck it? Joe Bonwich wrote about how long you can keep food items, and gave details for the shelf life of products.

I've been stocking up on items when they are on sale, and I need to keep these guidelines in mind. The only guideline that surprised me was that opened vegetable oils should be used in 1 to 3 months. I can't remember when I purchased that mega sized bottle of vegetable oil I currently have on my shelf, but I'm sure it was before I started couponing last October. (It's a store brand!) I use so little vegetable oil, I would have to purchase it in mini sizes to use it in 3 months.

The online edition of this article omitted the "Online Help" found in the print version. I have included the links so everyone can bookmark them for reference.

University of Missouri extension on proper cupboard storage with links on refrigerator and freezer storage

Virginia Cooperative Extension Food Storage Guidelines

Consumer Reports explains expiration dates

McCormicks How Old Are Your Spices


  1. Vegetable oil? Three months? That stuff has been there for like a year. It's fine.

  2. Jonathan - Yes, I know it's been on the shelf forever. I hope we don't get sick
