It's so hard for me to get excited about shopping at Shop 'n Save when they don't have the Thursday $10 off $50 deal. They advertise they have lower prices, but this week KC Masterpiece BBQ Sauce is cheaper at Schnucks, Coffee-mate is cheaper at Walgreens, and I could go on....
Take a look at Shop 'n Save's full ads here.
1. There is no $10 off $50 purchase this week
2. Shop 'n Save does not double coupons.
3. Every Shop 'n Save should be accepting internet printable coupons.
If I find more Shop 'n Save deals through the week I will add them to this post. Check back before you go shopping.
:: Kraft Catalina Coupon Deal ::
Purchase $25 of participating products and receive $10 coupon at register for next shopping trip.
Check page 5 of the Shop 'n Save ad for all participating products. I'm highlighting just the products with coupon match ups.
Crystal Light, assorted varieties - 2/$7
$1 on 2 - internet printable
StarKist Chunk Light Tuna, 2.6 oz. pouch - 3/$4
B2G1 - 2/22/09 RP
South Beach Living Cereal Bars, assorted varieties - 2/$5
$1 - 2/08/09 SS
Jell-O Pudding or Gels, 6 ct. pkg. - 2/$5
.60 - 3/1/09 SS
.60 - internet printable
South Beach Living Bars - 3/$6
$1 - 2/8/09 SS
Planter's Big Nut Bars, assorted varieties - 2/$5
$1 - 2/8/09 SS
Bagel-fuls - 2/$4
$1 - internet printable
Note: Kraft tends to place coupons in the stores more than they do in the Sunday coupon inserts or have internet printable. Check your stash of coupons for blinkies, tearpads or brochures you have picked up while shopping.
:: Get $1.50 off Bananas Instantly With Coupon In Store When You Buy 2 Participating General Mills Cereals ::
Multi Grain Cheerios, 12.8 oz. - $3.57
Fiber One Frosted Shredded Wheat, 15.1 oz. - $3.57
Cheerios, 8.9 oz. - $2.77
Kix, 8.7 oz. - $2.77
.50 on Cheerios - internet printable
.75 on Fiber One - internet printable
$1 on 3 any General Mills Cereal- 2/8/09 SS
:: Maxwell House Coffee and Blues Tickets ::
Buy one 33 oz.($5.98) or larger canister of Maxwell House Coffee and get a printout at the register good for B1G1 Blues tickets.
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