Before coupon & sales: $77.32
Total spent: $0 - I put $1.57 on a giftcard from a previous week's deal.
Total saved: $77.32
Before coupons & sales: $29.29
Total spent: $0
Total saved: $29.19 for 100%
HyVee and Ikea
Before coupons & sales: $42.39
Total spent: $23.36
Total saved: $19.03 for 45% savings
Comparable Schnucks price: $6.18
Aldi price: $4.93
Saved $1.25 for 20% savings
Walgreens - I didn't take a picture of my tube of Rembrant toothpaste. I needed to roll a $4 Register Reward, so I ran into Walgreens and picked up some Rembrant, used a $1 coupon and my Register Reward. $0 out of pocket, and now I have a $5 Register Reward for next week.
Weekly Totals
Before coupons & sales: $160.97
Total spent: $28.29
Total saved: $132.68 for 82% savings
Totals since April 1st
Total spent: $1048.30 ($49 weekly average)
Total saved: $4113.61 ($187 weekly average)
Kmart announced that the double coupons are done after today indefinetly. They lost too much money. Not being reimbursed from the vendors. We will miss the double coupons.
ReplyDeleteI've heard it might be the end of Kmart doubles also. I hadn't been into a Kmart in 15 years before they started doubling coupons. When I have been to Kmart this last year for double coupons, I haven't seen anything that would draw back to the store except of double coupons.
ReplyDeleteI've gotten some great deals with doubles, but if they quit offering this promotion there are other deals elsewhere.
Has anyone in St Louis seen the Hartz Crunch and Clean treats at any store other than KMart? Sems like I saw them somewhere a few weeks ago but now that I have coupons for them I cant find them anywhere.
ReplyDeleteCJ - I'll keep my eyes open for them and let you know if I see them.
ReplyDeleteJeri - I found the Crunch N Clean at Shop n Save yesterday on clearance for $2 each. Good thing I had my coups with me - I got 4 free bags using 4 $2 coupons!
ReplyDeleteCJ - Great Shopping! I'm always impressed with people who take their coupons to the store with them.
ReplyDeleteI clip only the coupon I need for a planned shopping trip, so I miss the unexpected clearance deals. It works for me - but I'm still impressed with those who can make it work at the store will all of their coupons.