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Friday, May 7, 2010

Walgreens Rewards Coming to a City Near Us

Walgreens is testing their new rewards programs in a few cities, and Kansas City gets to be one of them. See Walgreens Rewards' website for more info.

Test Markets:
  • Kansas City, Mo
  • Richmond, VA
  • Portland, OR

Earn Points:

  • 10 points for every $1 you spend
  • 100 points for every eligible prescription you fill.
  • 300 points for every 90-day eligible prescription you fill

Redeem Points for Walgreens Rewards Certificates, gift cards and merchandise.

  • 2000 gets you a $5 Walgreens Gift Certificate
  • 3000 gets you a $5 Applebees Gift Card
  • 13,000 gets you a $25 Macy's Gift Card

Lots more info and a complete list of what Walgreens Rewards members will be able to redeem their points for at I heart Wags.

Call me sceptical, but I can't see this program working without a lot of problems. I'm intrigued, but glad St Louis is not one of the test markets. I'll be watching what happens from the other side of the state.

I'm starting to feel like one of those people who goes to the Indy 500 just to see the wrecks.


  1. This should be interesting.. I have two kids that are on asthma, allergy meds at least I'll get something back! Trish

  2. Hi Trish - The program looks more tailored to prescriptions than sale shopping. It is kind of a combo of CVS's quarterly rewards and My Points Rewards.

  3. If they do away with Register Rewards, I wont spend enough to make it worth my while. I would have to spend $200 just to get a $5 gift certificate. I wonder if it will be based on pre-coupon total or OOP?

  4. Hi CJ - I don't know if they are doing away with RR or if this is just an additional program and a way to track how many deals people are buying.

  5. there going to reward people who spended money..great ideal...........Get rid of the people who don't put money into the company...Get rid of the people who try to spend know money...They just tie up the lines...Reward the people who spented....:) spending alittle help the word to get better and job, for those who want to work...

  6. Spend money at Walgreens? Why would I do that when I can get things for free instead? :)

  7. Hi Anonymous - You bring up an interesting misconception. Coupons are money - just not the individuals, but the manufacturers. Walgreens gets reinbursed for every coupon + a handling fee. I'd much rather spend someone eles money than my own!
