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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

McDonalds - FREE Smoothie or Frappe Peelie Coupons

Update: The coupon for a Free Smoothie or Frappe is on the medium cups also and a future visit is defined by at least 2 hours after your initial visit. (Thanks, Amy!)

If you're at McDonalds and order a large drink, be on the lookout for a peelie coupon on the cup for a FREE Smoothie or Frappe.

Coupon is for use on a future visit - expires 8/15/10.

I see why McDonalds is giving these away. I could become addicted to the Mocha Frappe.

Thanks, Lisa!


  1. Jeri - I'm already addicted to the Mocha Frappe!

  2. Hi CJ - Ever since I posted this, I've been thinking about a Mocha Frappe. I have one free coupon left from the Parade magazine. I might have to just go get one.

  3. Amen to the addiction....although I prefer the Caramel Freppe. I have a bogo frappe coupon that's now calling my name. I'm sure I can coerce the hubby;)

  4. Hi Melissa - Caramel! I haven't gotten past Mocha to try the other flavor. But I love Caramel - I'll have to give that one a try too.

  5. I managed to snag 12 coupons from the Parade magazine a few weeks ago. I am definitely becoming addicted to the mocha frappes!

  6. Hi Courtney - After 12 Frappes you'll have to start a Frappe Anonymous Chapter.

  7. As much as I love the Mocha Frappes, I dont think I could drink 2 of them in 2 hours!! Thats funny that they put a time limit on "future visit".

  8. Hi CJ - I think they are trying to keep you from buying a soda and turning around and using the coupon for a Frappe. I think I could drink 2 in 2 hours, but I had better check the calorie count before I even think about that one.

  9. Jeri - Dont check the calorie count, you dont want to know!! I just used my last free Parade coupon. Now that I'm addicted I may have to start paying for them. Gasp!! Or I'll have to buy a soda and go back later for a free Frappe! And I do have $3.50 left on my McD's gift card....

  10. Hi CJ - Ok, I won't look at the calorie count. I used my last Parade Mag. coupon last night too :(

  11. I MISSED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM SO PISSSSSSEEEEEDDDD OOOFFFFFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
