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I highlight only the best deals. Take a look at Dierbergs' full ad HERE.
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Nabisco Honey Maid Graham Crackers - $1.49
Natures Sweet Cherubs Tomatoes - $1.99
Save $2 on Boneless Sirloin Tip Deli Rotisserie Pork Roast
Save $1 on Tippin's Pie Slices - all varieties
with an additional $10 minimum purchase
:: Coupon Match- Ups ::
Libby's Vegetables - .60
$1 off 3 - 8/29/10 Parade Magazine
Final price: .27 each wyb 3
Quaker Oats (18 oz) - $1.49
$1 - 9/12/10 RP
Final price: .49 each
Wolf Chili with Beans (15 oz) - $1.25
.50 - 9/12/10 SS
Final price: .75 each
Cinnabon Cereal - $1.99
$1 - 8/15/10 Parade Magazine
Final price: .99 each
Kellogg's Froot Loops, Corn Pops or Apple Jacks - $1.99
$1.50 off 2 Kellogg's Cereal printable coupon HERE and HERE
Final price: $1.24 each wyb 2
Quaker Instant Oatmeal - $2.49
$1 - 9/12/10 RP
Final price: $1.49 each
Keebler Chips Deluxe or Bakers' Treasure cookies - $2.49
$1 off 2 - 8/15/10 RP
Final price: $1.99 each wyb 2
Duke's Mayonnaise or Salad Dressing (32 oz) - $2.50
.50 - 8/29/10 SS
Final price: $2 each
Frigo String Cheese - $3.50
$1 off Frigo String Cheese printable coupon
Final price: $2.50 each
That pork roast is very tasty! They sell it in the deli sliced cold for $5.99/lb. They'll let you order one in advance, they'll cool it and run it through the slicer. It makes wonderful lunch meat.
Hi Liz - The pork roast from the deli souns yummy! But, when isn't the meat from Dierbergs yummy.