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Monday, January 17, 2011

Readers Question: What's a Good Price for Diapers?

A reader is putting together her price book and wants to know what a good price on diapers is.

If she was asking about frozen pizza, snack crackers or something else my teen devours before I get it put away, I could help her out. But, I can't even remember what I paid for diapers in my day. Cost of diapers must be something like childbirth.  You quickly block out the pain.

If you a diaper buyer, what is your stock up price
Where do you find the best deals and on what brands?


  1. Under 15cents per diaper.

  2. I think anything around .10 to .12 per diaper is worth grabbing. I usually wait for a great price from Amazon and use my Amazon Mom prime account to get additional 30% off. Or I use RR from Walgreens's combined with coupons to get some cheap diapers. Best of luck!

  3. I buy Member's Mark (I like these alot too) Sam's Club, around $32 for the biggest case. My friend swears by Amazon where she claims with the Amazon Mom and another discount she gets more diapers for around $28 shipped free. I haven't figured that out. These are everyday deals. I know you can get smaller packages for less with coupons, ECB, RR deals etc. With 3 in diapers, buying the small package just leads to more stress for me as a pack of 36 only last 2-3 days in my home.

  4. It depends on the diaper size and brand. My kids are in sizes 3 and 6 right now. When I don't have a coupon, I buy Parent's Choice from Walmart, but with coupons and RR/ECBs, I pay around $5 (or less) for a small pack...around $13.50 for a big box.

  5. Amazon is the best place right now with their subscribe and save deals.

    When in doubt check out
    Angie posts the diaper and formula deals of the week for all national chains and some supermarkets that are in her region.

  6. I usually go as high as .18 per diaper for supremes. We use those for overnights. I buy whatever is on good sale once. If I don't like it, take it back.
    Babies r us has a policy that you can use one mfr coupon and one store coupon per item. BUT I have one friend who gets denied all the time when she tries it. She is not assertive enough to make it happen. Just- FYI in case the Same thing happens to you.

  7. BTW, I just reordered some diapers on Amazon last night. Giant box of Pampers size 3 (160 ct) for $19. Can't beat that. If you get parenting magazines there are coupons for an additional 20% off a box.

    They also have a good deal on wipes right now as well. All no tax and free 2 day shipping.

    I forgot to mention that Babycheapskate also has a PDF of the stock prices of all major brands of diapers and wipes broken down by size.

  8. I am so glad you posted this since my first grandbaby will be arriving in June. My daughter has already asked me to help her find the cheapest diapers. Although she doesn't know I have made her 80 premade cloth diapers with baby dry linings in them in two sizes I am sure she will still need to buy some disposables. Thanks for all of the info from everyone. I will check out the Amazon information everyone has posted. Kepp up the great work Jeri. I am living all of thes extra new posts you are doing.

  9. I second amazon. Use amazon mom subscribe and save, and then a 20% off coupon that comes in various baby magazines for 50% a huge box of diapers. That's one of the best deals.

    Keep in mind diapers get more expensive as the sizes get bigger, because there are less to a pack, but the pack is priced the same as the smaller sizes. I think a good price is about 10 cents per diaper for size N or 1, 12 cents for size 2, all way the up to 15-16 cents for size 3 or 4.

    I got a ton of diapers through an online drugstore deal when they had a 10 off 10 code, and their diapers were 11 a pack. I had everyone I know order diapers for me and i paid them back. Between that, amazon, a few drugstore deals and target deals, I managed to acquire an entire baby's lifetime worth of diapers in about 2 1/2 months, before my baby was born.

    You didn't ask, but wipes I dont pay more than a penny a wipe for. I am spoiled from the $2/1 pampers wipe coupon from the summer PG. I stockpiled enough wipes to get me through my baby's first year. Sometimes amazon has really great wipe deals on amazon mom subscribe and save too.

    (and no, other than baby supplies, I don't hoard huge stockpiles. It's just I find baby deals are harder to find great deals for and when I get that rock bottom price, I make it count.)

  10. $0.12 is what I paid the last few times thanks to Amazon & subscribe & save & 20% parenting magazine coupons. Don't buy Pampers! I just had a friend whose son suffered chemical burns from them. This has been going on since May and P&G isn't doing anything about it. (Just google Pampers recall and you'll see the horrible stories.)

  11. Also, keep in mind I am a brand name buyer for baby diapers. I only buy huggies supreme or pampers baby dry or sensitive. I tried cheapo cvs or wags diapers and was not impressed. I have a few packs of luvs and am not impressed with them either.

    I really liked huggies newborn diapers, but for my size 1 and size 2s, I love the pampers sensitive with dry weave. I almost NEVER get leaks, and they smell so nice--like baby powder.

  12. I prefer the store brands because they don't smell I kind of feel like I don't want all that perfume that close to my baby's skin.
    The babies r us brand is frequently on sale 2 cases for $35. Sometimes better sale, too.
    I participated in a diaper study and got to try 8 different kinds of diapers. They all worked pretty much the same. BUT I did not like the chemical smell/fragrance of the Huggies or Pampers

  13. Lots of good info. here! Thanks so much! I've never found prices so low, but I have not been looking in the right places... Wish me luck! :)

  14. Hi All,

    OMG--a Huge Thank you to all of you for this information. I had been thinking about this again with my half-sis due soon. I better get to work for her =)

    Also, if you guys have not entered the Coupon Giveaway I have going on over in the Coupon Trader area Please do so I will be picking winners @2:00pm. Have a great afternoon =)

  15. I've used Pampers before and after the dry max and never had a problem. I think its as with all diapers, some babies are sensitive to some brands of diapers, kwim?

    I use a mix of cloth diapers and pampers (usually). If anyone is interested in cloth diapers I recommend visiting Cotton Babies. They have one store across from St Anthony's and a new one in Chesterfield (I think). Cloth diapers are also a good money saver. I bought all mine used or seconds (I swear you can't tell) and like them more than I ever thought I would.

  16. I try not to pay more than $4 for a jumbo package of diapers. I also cloth diaper most of the time, so we only use disposables at night and when we are out.
    I love Cotton babies. They are great even for people who don't cloth diaper. They sell a lot of great baby products. They sell a lot of the different kinds of baby wraps and carriers. Before we had my son we went there and they showed us all the different kinds and had a doll they used to show you how to put them on and wear the baby. They told us what they did and didn't like about the different kinds. It was very helpful in deciding which one to get. Also, after your baby is born you can take your baby back and they will show you again with your child. (It is not the same with a doll :) ).
    I too bought a lot of my diapers used. Cotton babies has a sale once or twice a year where they sell used diapers for $1 each. They are $15-$20 new. Often they need some repairs, new velcro mainly, but are a great deal!

  17. For anyone that is buying for a new baby before the baby is born, they recommend that you buy various brands so that if you're baby's skin is sensitive, you won't have tons of one brand that your baby can't tolerate. They also highly recommend buying larger size diapers (mostly size 3's) because you get so many size Newborns at the hospital that lots of people don't even need to buy newborn size. We actually did with my 8 lb, 6oz son (we went through 4 jumbo packs of newborn I think, plus whatever we had from the hospital). I highly recommend newborn diapers with the notch cutout (huggies cutout was much better than pampers, I thought) and the wetness indicator strip, because it's hard to tell when newborn babies have peed--and when you are counting the number of pees, it is important. Also, don't buy tons of size 1s because that is what a lot of people will buy you for gifts. I think I had 12 jumbo packs of size 1s and one small box. We ended up using all but one jumbo pack of size ones before he totally outgrew them, but we were REALLY pushing it. We probably should have done size 2 for the last 3 jumbo packs we went through. They say don't go crazy with size 2's because they are in them for a much shorter period of time than other sizes and because the weight/size overlap for size 2 is much greater with size 1s and size 3s. Babies spend most of their time in size 3s, so I would go crazy with that size. Don't go too overboard on size 4, because you might get lucky and potty train early enough so that you don't have to go through so many of those. In general, the longer you can keep babies in the smaller size diapers, the more money you will save (because the price per diaper is more in the bigger sizes). I am personally not a fan of cloth diapers because of the ick factor, and have found its difficult to find caregivers (daycare, babysitter, etc) that are willing to put up with them. I also have not found them to be much more cheaper than disposables when you figure in all of the extra costs associated with washing them (water, electricity, laundry soap, etc) and they require a large initial investment. I know that some of my family members could not tolerate cloth diapers because they did not wick moisture away enough like cloth did and it caused irritation. Just my 2 cents :)

  18. Hi All - Thanks for sharing your expierences and "buy" price.

    Anonymous - I'm sure you'll start finding the price you want to pay.

  19. One thing I haven't given up since I became a couponer and learned to live frugally is the supreme diapers. I do switch between pampers and huggies, but otherwise I've found I save in laundry expenses (leaky diapers) and diaper cream (fewer rashes) when I use the better diapers. I've usually found that contrary to our "bigger is cheaper" bulk mentality when you combine sales and coupons, the smaller packages are cheaper.

  20. How 'bout Pull-ups and other training diapers? What do you guys think is a *great* price for those puppies?? ;)

  21. For diapers, I use the Sams Club brand - I have no complaints. It's not perfumed, I've never had any diaper rash on my kids with them and they hold leaks great! Every once in a while, I'll get some Pampers because there's a great coupon deal....and soon I remember why I don't regularly buy them. I think I gave the last batch on to a friend who likes them for some weird reason. ;)
