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Saturday, March 26, 2011

Saved 79% This Week

Two transactions at CVS this week. On the first transaction, I used the $5 off $25 coupon I received via email,  a coupon for free Nice 'n Easy Foam,  $5  ECB I had from last week, and coupons for Crest and Allegra - spent $3.97 and got back $1 ECB for buying  Nice 'n Easy, $5 ECB for Crest, $6.99 for Allegra and a $1 ECB from my Green Bag Tag.

My CVS didn't have much Diet Coke in on Sunday, so I went back later in the week, after the Coke vendor had replenished the shelves.  I'm glad I did.  $0.50 peelies on all the bottles!  I spent $.50 on 13 bottles of Diet Coke after peelies and spending a $6 a ECB.

I started the week with a $5 ECB and ended with $12.99 worth of ECBs.  It was a very good week at CVS for me.

Before sales & coupons: $58.71
Spent: $4.47
Saved: $54.24 for a 92% savings

I love the Pedigree deal going on at Target.  And, I used my $5 Giftcard I still had from the frozen food deal to pay for the dog food.

Before sales & coupons: $19.96
Spent: $0.00
Saved: $19.96 for a 100% savings

I spent more than I like for a week at Walgreens, but I started out with no Register Rewards and ended the week with $11.  I shouldn't complain.

Before sales & coupons: $34.49
Spent: $7.27
Saved: $27.22 for a 79% savings


Before sales & coupons: $33.89
Spent: $11.88
Saved: $22.01 for a 65% savings

Shop 'n Save
I finally have all the ingredients to make French Bean Cassoulet.  I hope it's worth the wait.

Before sales & coupons: $16.10
Spent: $3.90
Saved: $12.20 for a 76% savings

Comparable Schnucks price: $28.11
Spent: $11.92
Saved: $16.19 for a 58% savings

Weekly Totals
Before sales & coupons: $191.26
Spent: $39.44
Saved: $151.82 for a 79% savings

Year to Date Totals
Spent: $476.98 ($40 weekly average)
Saved: $1,752.00 ($146 weekly average)

Splurge Funds: $314.42

For those who don't read my blog on a regular basis, my splurge funds are the difference between what I've actually spent and my $50 budget. I use it for those items I never find on sale, don't have coupons for, or when I'm over budget.

Last year, I spent my extra splurge funds for a freezer. This year, I'm saving them to redo my pantry.


  1. haha I hope it's worth the wait for you too!

  2. I hope so too, Stacy!

    I need to take a few minutes here and go throw it together. I hope we won't be cooking Kahiki this evening instead of eating the Cassoulet :)

  3. I really miss CVS! Looks like you had a great week.

    I'm pumped because I get to go to the "big city" on Monday and can do a little Target shopping. :) Oh, the little things in life which excite me...

  4. Hi All - The verdict is in on the Cossoulet. We loved it. But, I followed Stacy at Every Little Thing's receipt and took a lesson from Paula Deans School of Cooking and added a 1/2 stick of butter.

    Hi Emily - I know how that go to the "big city" feels. I feel like that with Ikea.

  5. Is the clearasil a monthly deal?

  6. Hi Rachelstl - I'm not sure if Clearasil was a monthly deal. I bought it at the end of last week. My teenager hadn't had any problems with blemishes, but that week his face broke out like anything.

    But, today starts the new month for Walgreens, so it dosen't matter if it was or not.

  7. Glad it turned out well! Butter always makes everything better :)
