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Thursday, March 3, 2011

Trade Your ECBs or Register Rewards for Shop 'n Save $5 off $50 Coupons

CVS Week of 3/06/11

Walgreens Week of 3/13/11

The St Louis edition of the Entertainment book contains (6) $5 off $50 Shop 'n Save coupons

If you've grown your Walgreens' Register Rewards or CVS ECB's, this is the time to trade them in for Shop 'n Save coupons.  

Remember, on a $10 off $50 Thursday at Shop 'n Save, when you spend right at $50, you automatically get a $10 discount, and then you can use a $5 off $10 coupon from the Entertainment book.  You're total is down to $35 before you use other coupons.

In the fall, Entertainment books were selling for $35 - I would imagine this is still what they sell for.


  1. I was wondering if you could use a SNS Entertainment Book coupon in addition to the $10 off $50... Sounds like the answer is yes and an Entertainment Book sale makes this a great deal all around! Thanks so much!

  2. I actually had a cashier tell me and the lady in front of me that we couldn't use the $5 E Book Q on $10/50 Thursday just last week. We both told her that was incorrect and had her call someone over. She was corrected and we were both able to use our Qs. As long as your total comes to $50, before the automatic $10 off, you should be fine! =)

  3. Interesting! I'm at a Wags right now and there is a sign that says "now $25" in front of the Entertainment Book. So will it be $5? I hope so!

  4. Oh Staci, I wish that is the way it was going to be but if I had to guess they will be 20 off of 35. I will still take that over 35.

  5. that is so cool! so now I dont have to stress over using up my RRs this week... hard to roll them when everything I want to buy is sold out.

    Between CVS and Wags I have enough rainchecks to play Poker - or Go Fish(?)

  6. Does CVS take Walgreens coupons? I would much rather buy the book at CVS using the Wags $20 off. Anyone know?

  7. Hi All,

    Anonymous-This will be YMMV it would not hurt to ask the CVS manager before hand and see what they say. HTH

  8. Hi All - I hope this isn't a "you snooze you loose deal" at Walgreens. But, I have a feeling it will be. You might want to talk to the manager at your store NOW to see what kind of stock they will have.

    I've heard of CVS's honoring other retailers coupons. It depends on the individual managers at the stores. As Janet said, it never hurts to ask.

  9. I have asked CVS about honoring Wags coupons on their Entertainment books before and they said NO they do not. I actually asked at 3 stores and I was shocked because of how coupon friendly they are. I will be curious to see if anyone else finds any diffent at their CVS stores.

  10. I asked early on at CVS about honoring other store's Q because I heard it on the news before they opened. I was told that they would only honor the pharmacy new/transfered scrip Qs. Haven't asked again, so always worth a shot, but I wouldn't count on it!

  11. I had the cashier scan the Entertainment Book and it was still scanning $35, but she asked the Asst Mgr to check and be sure. He went to the back to check and came back and told us that they are now $25. There were only a couple left on the shelf, but don't know if they have more in stock. I went to another Wags and they had quite a few books left on the counter, but there was no discount price tag anywhere to be found. The store was busy and I needed to pick up dd, so I didn't have time to have it scanned or ask about it there.

    Guess we'll just have to wait and see. I probably won't buy if they are $15. I'd just as soon buy on ebates or shop@home once the rebate gets them closer to $10 (unless I have too many RRs to use and nothing worthy of spending them on, that is!).

  12. Hi Staci- Thanks for the update on what you're finding on the Entertainment Books.

    I stopped in at the Wags close to my son's school when I picked him up yesterday. They didn't have any Entertainment books thats I could find, and they were way too busy to ask if I wasn't buying.

    I think it's only worth picking up the Entertainment books if you have ECBs or RR to spend on them.
