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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Sneak Peek at Rebecca's Extreme Couponing Trip to Shop 'n Save

I found this Extreme Couponing trailer online with Rebecca's trip to Shop 'n Save. 

What do you think?  What does Crestwood Shop 'n Save really say about multiple transactions?

If you missed the Guest Post by Rebecca, take a look at it HERE.


  1. Well, that policy is nothing new. I just love scripted reality TV lol.

    I shop at that store all the time and I've seen people turned down trying to do multiple transactions like that.

    As for that manager...never seen her before.

  2. I never went back for multiple transactions. The first time I ever did it was this last "no coupon" thursday. I went out to the car, unloaded my cart, and went back in for a total of 3 shopping trips. No one said anything to me...

  3. Man oh man is this ridiculous. We all know that they do not have the 10 off 50 every week like it said. The gal knows what the policy is they are just doing this for tv. I am surprised Shop N Save let them tape this there. Riciculous!!!!
    Oh and the Maalox coupons she used were more of a mm at CVS!

  4. I shop the Crestwood Shop N Save as well. When I asked one of the Customer Service clerks about whether or not they were ending the $10 off $50, he said that they were still going to do $10 off $50 but that it was going to be one per person.

  5. Hi All - As Marcella said "Scripted Reality".

    Back to back tranactions have been a no-no for a long time, but some stores did allow it until recently.

    When I said multiple transaction in the post I should have said multiple trips. The store I shop has no problem with multiple trips. I take one transaction out to the car and head back in.

    My store is slow at checkout. I wouldn't want to hold up the people behind me in line to do back to back transactions.

  6. I think they need to go to Aldi and spend $25.91 on some fresh fruits and veggies...just saying!

  7. Lynda-My husband said why does she need 30 something Maalox? I said it's the point that she didn't make money like she could of at CVS LOL

    The cashier that I had that was rude was behind the cashier she had!

    I have asked before about multiple transactions & they have always said they don't care just go out & come back in.

  8. This was the most ridiculous show toight. She bought 35 Maalox I mean what the heck. And what about having chips for 800 people. That my friends is a serious problem!!!!!

  9. Kelly in West CountyApril 6, 2011 at 9:57 PM

    We are so blessed to have Jeri and the other wonderful people on this blog who make it possible to save for our families without spending 70 hours a week. Thank you!!!

  10. Let's hope that she donates her Maalox and other items to local pantrys....and isn't a hoarder.

    Extreme couponing = Extreme craziness!!

  11. Lynda & RachelStl- I was thinking the exact same thing about the Maalox mm at CVS! I do think she'll need all 35 bottles for herself though, with all that processed food. I also 100% agree with the comment on taking that $25.91 up to Aldi and buying some fruit and veggies. She's is way to young to be that unhealthy.

  12. I found this article interesting. It's about J'amie that was featured on the show last night.

  13. Why do you need 77 mustards? And 35 maalox?

    I think there is a not too fine line between hoarders and couponing.

    Once again no mention of donations. I understand that not everyone out there makes donations but I just cannot imagine why you would keep so much stuff in your house and keep buying. Different mind set I guess. Just like they wouldn't understand why I will spend $7 on a tray of strawberries.

  14. That clip was just silly. Scripted reality is a great description. Either she's done multiples in a row before at that store and knows it's okay or hasn't and knows it's not. To do it with cameras rolling is silly.

  15. BBQ sauce and toilet paper under your kids beds....really?!

  16. Hi All - I'm sure Alid wouldn't be nearly exciting to a TV production crew.

    I thought the best part of the show was watching Rebecca in Shop 'n Save. It felt like home. It must have been quite interesting to the Crestwood shoppers to see faces they recognized.

    I really wished they would have showed the way it really works on a $10 off $50 Thursday. One shop at a time, load the car and head back in for more. It had to be stressful, making sure the right product were in the correct order at checkout. I don't know who would want to do that even if the store allowed it.

    I'm impressed with the chips. Enough to feed 800 people, or few days worth for my teen and his friends. Salty snacks is something I've never been able to stockpile.

    I'm sure Rebecca must donate things like her Maalox pruchase. You didn't see masses of that type of product when they showed her stockpile. I wonder how many bottles of Maalox the Girl Scouts will collect with April Showers. I can just imagine when all the April Showers goodies hit the panties and the employees there wondering - What's up with all this Maalox.

    Thanks for the link to the article about J'amie. To eveyone else, if you haven't read it you should.

  17. It was funny to see all the happy, helpful SNS employees and customers cheering the shoppers on. I get eye rolling and huffing and puffing after only 5 minutes in line with my coupons. And to each their own, but who can shop for several hours wearing high heeled boots?? Gimme my sweats and sneakers anyday! I've never been able to stockpile chips - mine go stale sometimes before I can open them even when I only buy 2 bags. I wont even go into the hoarding issue but who needs a bazillion mustards??!! An interesting show, I just wish they'd post a disclaimer at the start saying the store made special arrangements for the shoppers.

  18. I think Shop N Save probably wanted to ensure they didn't have tons of people trying to split it into multiple transactions next time saying, "They let her do it on TV"
    that being said, last no coupon Thursday was the first time I have seen a cashier split it for someone. She let it get to $50, then stopped ringing and let her pay, began again. She kept doing it. The customer had about $300 in groceries and NO COUPONS! It very much frustrated me, but I stayed in that line anyway. (It paid off too! the gal in front of me saw my tuna as asked me if I wanted the coupon she wasn't going to use! I tried to explain the 'free tuna' deal, but she gave me the coupon anyway)

    My Shop N Save has no problem with going out and coming back in. Most of the cashiers are excited to see the savings, and all but one of the customer service people are usually excited. One customer service person is usually crabby when she has to come out for the red line.

    The line I found weird last night, was "the cheese $2.50 and now it has been bumped up to $4.29" It kind of made it look like the stores are trying to rip you off versus having a sale. (Does that make sense?) We all know that you use your coupons when the sales are on, you can't expect the sale price forever.

    I don't really think it is fair to judge someone's health by looking at them. I wouldn't want someone judging me when looking in my cart.

    And on Fox2 this morning, Rebecca said they are donating when the stockpile gets big enough.

  19. ROTFL -when is "big enough" going to happen!?! When they need a truck to come out?
    Not to take away from the donation, I just imagine a tape measure and the pile or something.

  20. My local SNS lets customers do multiple transactions, they actually ask every time if I want to split my order. A lady in front of me was going to do three but she didn't have $50 worth for the last one. I really do think that they should be giving to charities. I totally get the thrill of saving that much money but all the work put into clipping, sorting and planning would be crazy. Wouldn't a lot of that food expire before the family even gets a chance to consume it?!

  21. Tonya- why is judging someone's health who is obvisouly obese and continuing to stockpile processed foods a taboo? Rolls of fatty tissue around someone's body indicate high blood pressure, cardiovascular problems, risk for diabeties etc. You can judge someone's health by looking at them. Just like if you saw someone with grayish skin, broken blood vessels and slurred speech and movement piling bottles of booze in their cart you would assume their were an alcoholic, and if that person was gloating about a stockpile of booze, I would think they needed help to, just like the obese 24 year old addicted to processed foods.

  22. Can you freeze yogurt? I'm curious about that b/c I know you can freeze milk and cheese but one of the ladies (forget which one) bought something like 74 yogurts. Wouldn't it spoil?

    Also, they said Rebecca had been in the store for 5 hours. Wouldn't a bunch of her food start to spoil at that point??

    I want to start a topic in the coupon traders about stock piles. How much does the "typical" couponer actually have at their house?

  23. Anonymous - Just because you look obese, does not mean you have high blood pressure or any other health issues for that matter. Just like people who look thin are not automatically healthy I am simply saying that I would not like people to judge my by what I have in my shopping cart.
    Last time Shop N Save had a no coupon Thursday, I bought 10 boxes of Capri Suns twice. To look at my cart, you would think that I let my kids drink it all the time. This is not true at all. We only have this in the house for birthday parties. We have 2 parties scheduled before these go out of date. My kids actually drink Milk by the gallon. But looking in my cart and my 2 1/2 year old sitting there next to them, you would think she is made of the stuff.
    And before you just assume that I am obese and defending it, I am not. I just don't think it is fair to judge people.

    Marcella, you can freeze yogurt. I am not sure if the kind with fruit would be weird when thawed though. We freeze it all the time and let the kids eat it frozen like ice cream.

  24. I think you could freeze yogurt too - I free the yogurt in the tubes all the time.

  25. Looks like alot of junk food...Eat fresh, and not process..Please, don't sale these goods on E-bay and garage sale..If doing this everyday to the same store, that is sick..Those clerks, have names for those people..It's like a addict..Like to see in side these house's. You need a life, enjoy it...Work-out, walk, do art, spend time with your family...Don't get to wrap up in it..Just get what you realy need...

  26. Tonya- someone that has a waist circumference as large as Rebecca's on the show last night is by definition obese. She must be some sort of medical abnormality if she has zero medical problems. Heck maybe its a pillow under her shirt and not fat cells. I am sorry you choose to make the decision to take my judging of an obese person getting an emtional high on national television for scoring 90% off processed foods personal. I'm not sure why you choose do defend your own grocery selections either. I was just stating my opinion, based on scientific facts that processed foods contribute to poor health, and Rebecca looks to have an already high BMI so I hope the next hobby she takes up is healthy eating-its the best gift you can give yourself if you want to live a long life. And I think you are very confused on the "judging people" part- have you ever watched the show "Intervention" on A&E? Any normal person would say-wow they need to put down the crack pipe if they want to live, not judging, just making a comment that I was concerned for her health sorry you took it so personally.

  27. Good to know. Thanks! Though my 4 yr old would probably eat 76 yogurts in a week if I let him.

    For the record, soy milk does NOT freeze. It gets totally nasty if it freezes. Found out the hard way b/c our fridge is old and randomly freezes things. When it thaws its all clumpy. ::gag::
