New to shopping at Dierbergs? Check out their coupon policy and price guarantee HERE.
Take a look at this week's Dierbergs' ad.
:: 15 Hour Sale - Thursday Only ::
Fiber One Bar or Brownies - $2.18
$0.40/1 Fiber One Bars or Brownies printable coupon HERE and HERE and HERE (doubled)
$0.40/1 Fiber One Bars or Brownies - 9/11/11 GM and 10/2/11 GM (doubled)
= $1.38 after coupon
Also included in the General Mills Instant Saving deal - Save $5 at checkout wyb 10 participating products - makes them $0.88 each after coupons and Instant Savings.
MOM's Best Natural Cereal (12-16.5 oz) - $1.18
$0.55/2 MOM's Best Natural Cereal printable coupon
= $0.91 each wyb 2 after coupon
Nature Valley Granola Bars - $2.18 (limit 10)
$0.60/1 Nature Valley Sweet & Salty Granola Bars printable coupon HERE and HERE
$0.75/2 Nature Valley Granola Bars - 9/11/11 GM and 10/2/11 GM
= $1.58 to $1.81 each after coupon
Also included in the General Mills Instant Savings deal - Save $5 at checkout wyb 10 participating products - makes them $1.08 to $1.31 each after coupons and Instant Savings.
North Star Ice Cream Sandwiches (6 ct) - $1.59
$0.50/1 North Star Frozen Treat printable coupon
= $1.09 after coupon
Bob Evans Roll Pork Sausage (16 oz. original recipe) - $3.29
$0.75/2 Bob Evans Sausage Product printable coupon
= $2.92 each wyb 2 after coupon
Red Gold Tomato Sauce (8 oz) - $0.20
Dei Fratelli Tomato, Pizza, Sloppy Joe Sauce or Tomatoes (14.5-15 oz) - $0.69
California Iceberg Lettuce - $0.78 head
Idaho Russet Potatoes (5 lb. bag) - $1.28
:: General Mills Instant Savings ::
Save $5 Instantly at Checkout wyb (10) participating General Mills Products
Green Giant Boxed Vegetables (7-10 oz) - $1.25
$0.60/3 Green Giant Frozen Boxed Vegetables - 9/11/11 GM and 10/2/11 GM
= $0.55 each after coupon and Instant Savings wyb 10 participating products
Progresso Soup (18.5-19 oz) - $1.25
$1/4 Progresso Soup printable coupon HERE and HERE
$1/4 Progresso Soup - 9/11/11 GM and 10/2/11 GM
= $0.50 each after coupon and Instant Savings wyb 10 participating products
Pillsbury Sweet Rolls (8-13.9 oz) - $2.00
$0.30/1 Pillsbury Sweet Rolls - 9/11/11 GM (doubled)
$0.40/2 Pillsbury Sweet Rolls printable coupon HERE and HERE and HERE (doubled)
$0.40/2 Pillsbury Sweet Rolls - 10/2/11 GM
= $0.90 to $1.10 each after coupon and Instant Savings wyb 10 participating products
Chex Mix - $2.00
$0.60/1 Chex Mix printable coupon
$0.50/1 Chex Mix printable coupon HERE and HERE
= $.90 to $1.00 each after coupon and Instant Savings wyb 10 participating products
Bugles - $2.00
$0.60/1 Bugles printable coupon
$0.50/1 Bugles printable coupon HERE and HERE
= $0.90 to $1.00 each after coupon and Instant Savings wyb 10 participating products
Sweet Moments - $2.50
$1/1 Sweet Moments printable coupon HERE and HERE
$1/1 Sweet Moments - 8/7/11 GM and 9/11/11 GM
= $1.00 each after coupon and Instant Savings wyb 10 participating products
Betty Crocker Dessert Mixes (15.2-19.5 oz) - $2.00
$0.85/2 Betty Crocker Supreme Brownie or Dessert Bar Mixes printable coupon
$0.75/2 Betty Crocker Supreme Brownie or Dessert Bar Mixes - 8/28/11 SS
= $1.08 to $1.13 each after coupon and Instant Savings wyb 10 participating products
Pillsbury Crescent Rolls (8-13.9 oz) - $2.00
$0.40/2 Pillsbury Crescent Rolls - 9/11/11 GM and 10/2/11 GM (doubled)
$0.50/2 Pillsbury Crescent Rolls printable coupon HERE and HERE
= $1.10 to $1.25 each after coupon and Instant Savings wyb 10 participating products
General Mills Cereal - $2.50
-- Fiber One (11.75-17.25 oz)
-- Cinnamon Toast Crunch (12.8 oz)
-- Cheerios (14 oz)
-- Whole Wheat Total (16 oz)
$0.75/1 Total Cereal printable coupon
$1.10/2 Select General Mills Cereal printable coupon
$1/2 Select General Mills Cereal printable coupon HERE and HERE
$1/2 Fiber One or Total Cereal - 9/25/11 SS
$1/2 Cheerios - 9/25/11 SS
$1/3 General Mills Cereal - 9/11/11 GM and 10/2/11 GM
= $1.25 to $1.67 each after coupon and Instant Savings wyb 10 participating products
Pillsbury Cookie Dough - $2.50
$1.10/2 Pillsbury Cookie Dough printable coupon
$1.50/3 Pillsbury Cookie Dough printable coupon
$1/2 Pillsbury Cookie Dough printable coupon HERE and HERE
$1/3 Pillsbury Cookie Dough - 8/7/11 GM and 9/11/11 GM and 9/25/11 SS
= $1.45 to $1.67 each after coupon and Instant Savings wyb 10 participating products
Pillsbury Toaster Strudel (11.5 oz) - $2.50
$0.60/2 Pillsbury Toaster Strudel printable coupon
$0.50/2 Pillsbury Toaster Strudel printable coupon
$0.50/2 Pillsbury Toaster Strudel - 8/7/11 GM
$0.75/3 Pillsbury Toaster Strudel - 10/2/11 GM
= $1.70 to $1.75 each after coupon and Instant Saving wyb 10 participating products
:: Heinz Instant Savings ::
Save $3 Instantly at checkout wyb 6 participating Heinz products.
Bagel Bites (7 oz) - $1.67
$3/6 Heinz products -manufacturer coupon in this week's Shop 'n Save ad
= $0.67 each wyb 6 after coupon and Instant Savings
Ore Ida Potatoes (16-32 oz) - $2.99
$1.50/3 Ore Ida Potatoes - 10/9/11 SS
$3/6 Heinz products -manufacturer coupon in this week's Shop 'n Save ad
= $1.99 each after coupon and Instant Savings wyb 6 participating products
TGI Appetizers (7.6-14 oz) - $3.00
$3/6 Heinz products - manufacturer coupon in this week's Shop 'n Save ad
= $2.00 each wyb 6 after coupon and Instant Savings
:: Del Monte Instant Savings ::
Save $2 Instantly at Checkout when you buy 10 select Del Monte items
Del Monte Vegetables & Tomatoes (13.5-15.25 oz) - $0.80
= $0.60 each after Instant Savings wyb 10 participating products
Del Monte Fruit (14.5-15.25 oz) - $1.39
= $1.19 each after Instant Savings wyb 10 participating products
:: Coupon Match-Ups ::
Dr Pepper (2 liters) - $1.50
Save $2 Instantly at Checkout wyb 4
FREE Dr Pepper TEN - 10/9/11 SS
Possibly $2 Money-Maker after coupons and Instant Savings
Aunt Jemima Waffles (5.25-12.3 oz) - $1.25
$1/1 Aunt Jemima Frozen Waffles printable coupon (Facebook - watch video) ** more than 50% of sale price
= $0.25 after coupon
Starkist Tuna (2.6-3 oz. pouch or 5 oz. can) - $1.25
$1/1 Starkist Product - September All You Magazine
= $0.25 after coupon
Wolf Chili (15 oz) -$1.25
$0.40/1 Wolf Brand Chili - 10/2/11 SS (doubled)
= $0.45 each after doubled coupon
Westpac Blended Vegetables (16 oz) - $1.50
$0.35/1 Westpac Vegetables - 9/11/11 SS (doubled)
= $0.80 after coupon
SoBe Lifewater or Tea (20 oz) - $1.00
$1/5 SoBe - 10/2/11 PepsiCo Insert
= $0.80 each wyb 5 after coupon
Pepsi (2 liters) - $1.50
$0.55/1 Pepsi Max 2 liter- 10/2/11 PepsiCo Insert
= $0.95 after coupon
Healthy Life Bread - $2.19
100% Whole Wheat, Wheat or White
$0.35/1 Healthy Life Buns or Bread - 10/2/11 SS (doubled)
$0.35/1 Healthy Life 100% Whole Grain Bread - 10/2/11 SS (doubled)
= $1.39 each after doubled coupon
Sara Lee Iron Kids Bread - $1.99
$0.55/1 Sara Lee Iron Kids Bread printable coupon
= $1.44 after coupon
Weight Watchers Smart Ones Entree or Dessert (4.4-11.5 oz) - $1.99
$4/10 Smart Ones Products printable coupon
$3/10 Smart Ones Products printable coupon
$3/10 Smart Ones - 8/07/11 SS
$1/5 Smart Ones Frozen Entrees printable coupon
$1/5 Smart Ones Products printable coupon
= $1.59 to $1.79 each after coupon
Sara Lee 100% Whole Wheat Bread (20 oz) - $2.29
$0.55/1 Sara Lee 100% Whole Wheat Bread printable coupon
= $1.74 each after coupon
Keebler Town House Crackers - $2.49
$1/2 Town House Crackers printable coupon
= $1.99 each wyb 2 after coupon
Palermo's Pizza (13.9-32.25 oz) - $3.00
$1/1 Palermo's Premium Pizza printable coupon
$1/2 Palermo's Pizza printable coupon
= $2.00 to $2.50 each wyb 2 after coupon
North Star Ice Cream Bars, Fudge Bars or Dream Bars (12 ct) - $2.50
$0.50/1 North Star Frozen Treat printable coupon
$0.50/1 North Star Ice Cream Novelties - 8/28/11 RP
= $2.00 after coupon
Fritos or Cheetos - $2.50
$1/2 Cheetos or Fritos - 10/2/11 PepsiCo Insert
= $2.00 each wyb 2 after coupon
Welch's 100% Juice (64 oz) - $3.00
$1/1 Welch's 100% Grape Juice - 9/25/11 SS
= $2.00 each after coupon
Keebler Chips Deluxe or Animal Cookies - $2.49
$0.55/2 Keebler Cookies - 9/18/11 RP
= $2.22 each wyb 2 after coupon
C&H Granulated Sugar (4 lb) - $2.98
$1/2 C&H Sugar - 8/28/11 RP
= $2.48 each wyb 2 after coupon
Finish Auto Dish Detergent (Tabs or Gelpack 10-20 ct) - $3.50
$1/1 Finish Quantum, Powerball or Gelpac - 9/18/11 SS
= $2.50 after coupon
Trop 50 Juice (59 oz) - $3.00
$1/2 Trop 50 - 10/2/11 PepsiCo Insert
= $2.50 each wyb 2 after coupon
Jet Dry (6.76-8.45 oz) - $3.50
$0.40/1 Jet Dry - 9/18/11 SS (doubled)
= $2.70 after coupon
Bon Appetit Meals (22.5-23.26 oz) - $6.99
$2/1 Bon Appetit Frozen Meal - 9/18/11 SS
= $4.99 after coupon
Glad Trash Bags (25-80 ct) - $6.99
$0.75/1 Glad Trash Bags - 10/2/11 P&G
= $6.24 after coupon
Brawny Paper Towel (6-8 ct) - $6.99
$0.50/1 Brawny - 8/14/11 RP and 9/25/11 SS
= $6.49 each after coupon
:: Whole Life Natural & Organic ::
Annie Chun's Noodle Bowls or Noodles (8-12 oz) - $2.50
$1/1 Annie Chun's Product printable coupon (sign up for newsletter)
$0.50/1 Annie Chun's printable coupon (Facebook)
= $1.50 to $2.00 each after coupon
Mary's Gone Crackers - $3.99
$1/1 Mary's Gone Crackers printable coupon
= $2.99 after coupon
:: Other Good Deals ::
All Natural Chicken Drumsticks or Thighs - $0.99 lb.
Center Cut Pork Steaks (jumbo pack) - $1.79 lb.
Oh my gosh! I hope they don't run out of the Nature Valley Granola Bars/Brownies before I get off work on Thurs. Between my husband and I, we go through a box or more of these per week!
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone have any idea how the pre-cooked bacon compares to orginal? I have some $2/3 coupons, but I'm not sure if $1.83 would be a good deal. How does 2.1oz pre-cooked compare to 12 oz. original? Thanks.
ReplyDeleteLook for tearpad coups for free Welchs jam or jelly wyb 2 Welchs grape juice, I found them at Schnucks within the past few weeks.
ReplyDeleteHi Stacy - I've had pre-cooked bacon before. I don't remember the brand (maybe Farmland). I wasn't impressed - I think I got it for free. I wouldn't pay for it.
ReplyDeleteThe package seemed like less than half of a regular size package of bacon.
Thanks, CJ!
Stacy - You are definitely paying for convenience when you buy the pre-cooked bacon. I still buy it even though it isn't as tasty. It's great to heat up just a couple slices for a sandwich and the kids can do it themselves on the weekends for breakfast.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Jeri and Allison. I'll have to pass on the bacon. To me it's not enough added convenience to pay for. (I don't like paying for convenience anyway). I usually cook cook bacon in the microwave with a couple paper towels underneath and one on top. It's fast and easy.
ReplyDeleteI stopped by Dierbergs this morning for potatoes and some General Mills items (two boxes of Nature Valley granola bars, two boxes of Betty Crocker dessert mixes and six Green Giant frozen vegetables), and in addition to the $5 off that was deducted at checkout, a $1 off my next Dierbergs purchase catalina printed. The cashier wasn't sure what triggered it. A pleasant surprise!
ReplyDeleteHi Heather - Thanks for the Dierbergs update. Mystery Catalinas are always fun.
ReplyDeleteI like the pre-cooked bacon because it's lower in fat. What you're not paying for is all the fat that's already cooked out. I think the slices are thinner than most bacon, but you get about the same amount of slices. I love it to add to sandwiches or top potato soup but wouldn't use it for everyday breakfast.
ReplyDeleteI stopped by Dierberg's this morning to pick up 5 Fiber One Bars and 5 Nature Valleys. I got a $3 catalina back plue 4 free snack size boxes of Nature Valley Granola Bars. Those were in a basket next to the Granola display.