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Thursday, March 1, 2012

Printable Coupon Roundup - 3/01/12

Printable Coupon Roundup

Personal Care
Health Care

Thanks, Printable Coupons & Deals !

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  1. Has anyone in St Louis successfully used the "free gallon of milk with purchase of three breakfast items" coupon from Facebook? If so what store did you use it at and what "breakfast items" did you use?

    1. Hi CJ - I had seen the milk coupon was available but didn't even print it until today when I read your message. I figured it would exclude Missouri, since we have the crazy no coupons/discounts on milk law.

      I'm surprised it didn't say void in MO.

      The coupon looks to me like you could buy any three breakfast items, but this might be hard to use at any of the stores (at least on the MO. side of the river.

    2. Jeri - I thought it would exclude MO too, I finally got it to print today. I think it should work at our grocery stores because they do allow coupons for free items as long as it requires another purchase. I may save it for $10 Thurs at SNS this month. I hear couponers in other areas are getting it to work by buying small inexpensive items like yogurt and single cereal cups. Cant hurt to try!

  2. There's a .50 printable for Starkist tuna pouches on the Starkist website, available every Friday through April 9. Its a Bricks coupon so press the back button to print 2.

  3. Straubs Facebook page offers a freebie every week - this week its a Thunder Muffin from the bakery. Printed coupon is good Fri-Sun.

    1. Thanks CJ! - I put the Straub Freebie on my Friday Post list.
