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Thursday, June 21, 2012

$1 off Kraft Dressing Coupon

Kraft Dressing Coupon Printable Coupon

Kraft Salad Dressing is changing their name to Kraft Anything Dressing and promoting it with a high value coupon.  Don't miss printing this coupon.  Kraft Dressing will be on sale for the 4th of July holiday.

$1/1 Kraft Anything Dressing Coupon (Facebook)

Thanks, For the Mommas!

While you're on Facebook, stop over to the  Coupon STL Facebook page and either "like" a post, or leave a comment, if you want Coupon STL to show up on your News Feed.


  1. Awesome! I like to stock up on these for cheap and easy marinades or to use for pasta salad.

    1. I think that is why they are changing the name to Anything Dressing. I know I use salad dressing for lots more than salads.

    2. Also, they are on sale next week at Shop 'n Save 3/$5.00 with a Catalina Deal Get $5 coupon wyb 10 select Kraft items.

    3. Hi Jeri,

      Thanks a Million for this one. The Kraft deal next week was the first thing to pop into my mind. =)

    4. How do you know already that there will be a Kraft cat deal next week? And will there be a $10 off $50 next week too?

    5. Hi Shelly - No $10/$50 - Check out Coupon Traders (click on the image on the right sidebar) There is lots of additional info there.

  2. On next week's Kraft Cat. deal at S'nS, is it a limit of 1 per transaction?

    1. Don't know. But, since there is no $10/$50 use the Catalina coupon to purchase the deal the second time.
