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Monday, September 3, 2012

Target - FREE Up & Up Ibuprofen

images from Way Too May Monkeys
Free Up & Up Ibuprofen

If you heading to Target sometime this month, don't miss this freebie.

Up & Up Ibuprofen (24 ct) -  $0.97 to $0.99
$1/1 Up & Up Pain Relief  Target Printable Coupon (expires 10/6)
= FREE after coupon

Update:  Make sure you purchase is from the pain relief aisle and not with the trail size.
 (Thanks, Marina!)

See the rest of this week's Target Deals.

Thanks, Hops


  1. The Target I went to on Monday would not take this coupon for the 24 tablet size. They said it was the travel size which is excluded on the coupon.

    1. Was it a cashier or a manager who decided 24 ct. was trial size?

  2. The cashier was actually quite rude about it. Wouldn't even get a mamager. I wasn't in the mood to have a go around with her so I just got my other items and left. I'll try again later this week. I should have known better then to go to the store I did. There's 2 other one's about the same distance away and they are ALWAYS nicer and have better stock.

    1. I've gotten to the point, I'll drive a little further for better customer service. No since spending my money (an coupons) at a store that is not customer friendly.

    2. My cashier questioned the size too. I told her it was on the regular pain reliever shelf, not with the travel sizes. Any time I have trouble with a cashier I go right to the customer service desk and they have always taken care of the problem.

  3. There's a 24 count in the trial size section and a 24 count in the pain reliever section. They have different bar codes. Make sure that you get the 24 count in the pain reliever aisle and that the bar code matches the bar code on the shelf sticker. you will have less issues at check out then!

    1. Thanks for the info. I would never think of 24ct as a travel/trial size since 20ct and 24ct bottles are standard sizes for a lot of pain relievers and always on the shelf right next to larger sizes.

    2. Hi Marina - Yes, thanks for the info. I would have never dreamed there was a 24 ct. in both the trial section an regular aisle.

    3. Yeah... and they are packaged the same except for the bar code! Found that out earlier this year when Target had this coupon back then. Another difference.... in the Pain aisle they are $0.99 regular price and in the travel section they were $0.97. (I popped in Target today & to make it more confusing they have a price cut sign on the ones in the pain reliever aisle stating regular price $0.99 with a price cut to $0.97ea!) Go Figure:)

  4. Of course, they were out of them already. Bare shelf already. Will probably be like the single roll papertowels earlier this summer, where they won't restock until the day after the coupon expires:(

    1. Sometime I wonder if they plan it this way. Issue a coupon that will make for a free product just to get you in the store.
